Hardcore mix. Need tons of help!


Dirty Man-Horse
Jan 14, 2008
Hey everyone this is my second mix and first on my new HS50M's, which sound amazing. I'm having so much trouble getting it to sound big, the bass is dead no matter how I EQ it, and the drums sound really out of place. Please all suggestions all welcome and needed. No vocals, Pod Guitar, SD2.0, and Sansamp Bass. I especially need help with the guitar tone. The whole mix sounds absolutely nothing like what I want it to sound like. Thanks all.

Is this only one guitar hard-panned on the left side and the bass panned to the right side ?

If that's the case, this is your main problem here (Double-track the guitars, hard-pan them on each side, and pan the bass dead center). The basis seems good otherwise.
Haha fuck.. I must of messed up during rendering. There are two seperate tracks of guitars hard panned left and right. I'll upload the correct version when I get home. While waiting forme to upload can anyone help with my tone? It just doesn't seem as clear and big as I would want it.. i'm going direct in to a UX2 and using pod farm with the diamondplate and treadplate cab.
Haha fuck.. I must of messed up during rendering. There are two seperate tracks of guitars hard panned left and right. I'll upload the correct version when I get home. While waiting forme to upload can anyone help with my tone? It just doesn't seem as clear and big as I would want it.. i'm going direct in to a UX2 and using pod farm with the diamondplate and treadplate cab.

Lol, definitely throw that second guitar in. Adding the 2nd guitar in is gonna give you waaaaay more presence in the mix. Maybe cut a little around 800hz to take out some mud, and the volume could come up as well.
The tone is too hyped in the uppermids and you could definitely do with some gentle boosts (be careful of mud) around 200-500hz, it'd probably be best of to retrack with less treble on the amp though and maybe ease up on the mids a tad too
are you those live drums?

he said they're superior 2.0

The tone is too hyped in the uppermids and you could definitely do with some gentle boosts (be careful of mud) around 200-500hz, it'd probably be best of to retrack with less treble on the amp though and maybe ease up on the mids a tad too

he said it's podfarm. disagree on boosts...

...get the other guitar in there and hit the whole mix with a limiter.
Thanks everyone. When i get home i'll put the second guitar back on, put a limiter on the master bus, and eq a little more. I'll post the updated mix and see what you all think. Thanks again.