rate the mix- hardcore, need help with bass!


Nov 26, 2009
hey guys, this is the rough working mix of the first official 'release' i've worked on for an up and coming EP. guitars will be reamped or atleast re-worked before release and drums are yet to be sorted. my main query is about the bass tone.

the band are after a 'hardcore' bass sound. so very prominent and clacky etc. i'm struggling to get it to sound nice. have a listen and give me some feedback!

http://dl.dropbox.com/u/3200729/PULL OUT OR WATCH OUT-good.mp3

updated: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/3200729/PULLmixed.mp3
copy the di 3 times.
1. dry DI signal heavey compression
2. use an ampsim with an high-gain bass amp (I love the ampeg in podfarm with the maxon for that)
3.low cutted di or a realy muffled sounding ampsim for the lowend punch.
Group everything together and compress or limit like hell

Bring the bass up in volume for a hardcore mix. The bass group and the guitar-group could be equal in volume...

Give the bass some frequencies in the highs to come through. Like 1k or 3k.
You have to notch that frequency in the guitar group.

Hope this helps cheers.

PS: all the tricks dont help if the bass had old strings while tracking. Or the bassplayer played some strange bass...
a little distortion to the bass doesn't hurt either, think of comeback kid. the guitar sounds are pretty decent, kind of reminds me of stick to your guns. good job!
Great tune.
Bass sounded OK to me. I thought the whole mix was damn good.
thanks guys, its the first mix i'm not completely unhappy with so far.
yeah bass is 'okay' i want it to be good. i'll have another play around tonight with your suggestions in mind. thanks guys.
hey guys, i took your comments into consideration and mixed some stuff around, how is this sitting for everyone?
still a pretty raw mix but you get the gist of it.