
Nov 26, 2009
Hey guys,

this is the first band i've ever reallly recorded and mixed, so im pretty new to this. they have a gig coming up on the weekend and want to throw around some crappy demo cds at it, so i'd love to get some feedback so i can make it the best i can by then!

drums are recorded and replaced. Guitars are lepous new LeGoin (great) however i really don't do it justice, im terrible at pulling guitar tones. Bass is well.. the boys wanted it to sound like this, they all dig the clacky loud sound. i'd love some feedback on the mix as a whole. vocals are nt1a.

The guys are fairly happy with it so far, but im not so pleased!
Whose the band? Just noticed you're from Australia. Which part? I'd totally change the tone on the gtrs. I'm just listening on shit headphones ATM though from my iPhone so I can't rly give you much.
brisbane hey? im in cairns, just moved there from townsville and getting into a bit of recording etc. the dudes seem to be against mids in the guitars so i'm not too sure. how is everything else sitting? they're called well above swell. real new.
i thought i better add, im mixing on stereo speakers, i dont have monitors yet! help me out guys!

@amarshism: nice client list! many a familiar name
hey dude, melbournite here. I reckon it sounds pretty good but i'm still learning the ins and outs of the production game, having said that though I think it needs more bass in it. The vocals sound clear but on first impression they sound like they sit slightly above the mix.

Think i might have to play with that new LePou plugin, didn't even know about it.
thanks man i'll give it a play around. i really need help with guitars, im terrible at pulling tones, even from sims. it's embaressing.
Love the style dude! All sounds good apart from the guitars. Sounds like you aren't using a speaker impulse or impulse loader? Sounds like the direct out of the ampsim with no cab basically. Vocals are very old school Hardcore! Would like to hear the final tracks.
thanks man! not my band a friends, i really dig em too, we did 2 demo tracks then we're tracking an ep with real amps etc straight away. i dont think i can put up di's man they might not be too stoked at this even being up haha theres definitely an impulse, catharsis' pres-high. i reworked guitars, have a another listen now!
+1 to the vocals sitting on top of the mix. They stand in front of everything else. To my ears, the guitars are lacking a bit of body as well. mids/low-mids.
However, depending on the band, I've encountered quite a few who dont like the new metal sounding guitars and go for that raw old school style.
hrmm i think the vocals still stand out of the mix a bit and also they are possibly a bit too clean. When i listen to it on headphones it sounds like the guitars are to the sides of me and the vocals are slightly above towards my head.....maybe i need my morning coffee though.

I think you're pretty spot on with the instruments though.
The dynamics are nice!! Really can feel the impact of the guitars. My only concern is the lack of room information in most tracks. as if everything was tracked in mono and didn't get any post processed reverb. The snare is a bit gone at some times. The rest seems fine!
thanks for the feedback everyone, i know what you're saying aerialthesis, i have used almost no verb in the mix, im new to it all, any advice and tips to make things work together a bit better? i'm not sure what do do with vocals
The Kick and Bass guitar don't seem to gel to me, they just seem to make a really annoying noise when they are played together, other than that id bring down the vocals abit.
i know what you mean about the bass and kick, i don't digg the bass tone at all. plus its tracked so sloppy its hard to work with. oh well, just myspace demos and they're happy with the newer mixes. on the ep i will be back for some bass advice! thanks everyone for having a listen