Need help - making mix-cds for a girl


Oct 10, 2001
I'll be making some mix cds for a girl friend of mine who has been into metal for a couple of years, but hasn't been properly introduced to a lot of bands.

She says she likes Iron Maiden, Nightwish, HammerFall, P.o.d. and a few other bands. I'm thinking I should introudce her to better bands than that, (well Maiden is ace as we all know).

Any recommendations. I was thinking of adding stuff like:

In Flames - Ordinary story
Judas Priest - Beyond the realms of death
Amaran - Rusty warhorse

so nothing too extreme please.
hammers of misfortune because they are awesome and you can work the trad. metal and female vocal angle with them. the august engine part 2 is pretty much my favorite song by them, but you can much go wrong with any of their stuff.

i once dated a girl who listened to top 40 pop bullshit, when i started making her mix cd-rs i didn't get too weird or extreme, but always snuck in like one carcass song. she'd eventually go to some death metal shows with me, so it worked.
I would have to look that song up because the hammers is a band I've overlooked. I tried to listen to them once but can't remember anything.
i can upload the track in question in a few hours if you want.

i'd recommend some edge of sanity too, like black tears or sacrificed.
I'll be making some mix cds for a girl friend of mine who has been into metal for a couple of years, but hasn't been properly introduced to a lot of bands.

so you're not giving up on Maren I see :loco:
Like Maren needs to be introduced to proper metal? She listens to stuff that is even more obscure than I do.

No, this is an entirely different woman.

@Nad: That's ok, I have access to just about any album you can imagine.
some edge of sanity would be nice I s'pose.
lurch70 said:
of course she does ... have you seen the list of her faves :lol:
hahahahahahahahahaha it always cracks me up how much you hate that depressing/emotional/whatever music.
god damn nad said:
hahahahahahahahahaha it always cracks me up how much you hate that depressing/emotional/whatever music.

i don't hate it, i just don't consider it metal ...
Haven't heard any of the albums on that list. However!... she does listen to The ruins of beverast and Secrets of the moon, and how many women do that?
lurch70 said:
i don't hate it, i just don't consider it metal ...
well hates a strong word i suppose, but still.

*awaits someone to post the royal pinkage logo*
i guess that whole "poser" mentality is still in me somewhere from high school.

you would be shuned forever in a corner, if in the hey days of metal, you admitted something like ... "Anathema is my favorite band" :lol:

but today, in metrosexual times, its A OK!!!
lurch70 said:
i guess that whole "poser" mentality is still in me somewhere from high school.

you would be shuned forever in a corner, if in the hey days of metal, you admitted something like ... "Anathema is my favorite band" :lol:

but today, in metrosexual times, its A OK!!!
hahahaha you sound like borat. :loco:

hypocrisy - reversed reflections

i always feel compelled to work the catchy angle when trying to a female into metal. i guess if this girl is already into metal that's not necessary, but hey, that's still a great song.
Ellestin said:
Try throw one of the milder tracks off "Omnio". If she falls for that then you know there's a whole world opening up for her (and for you, incidentally)

I love omnio incidentally, and was introduced to ITW by my first girlfriend.
Some girls find Cradle of Filth to be an aphrodisiac, no shit. Throw in Paradise Lost, Lacuna Coil, and a splash of Evergrey and you can skip the wine, and go straight for the beef curtains.

Now, if it's just for music appreciation (and based on her current likes):

Iced Earth - The Hunter
Arcturus - Chaos Path
Evergrey - Recreation Day
Symphony X - Communion and the Oracle
Cryptopsy - Crown of have to throw this in the middle somewhere, just because
ARK - Heal the Waters....jeebus, what an album this is.

In fact, skip the compilation and just give her a copy of "Burn the Sun"....probably in the top 5 releases of the last 10 years I'd say.