I need gift ideas for this girl...

The spookies are my second choice. If I were for some reason some day to want a pair, I would definitely want the stormies, so if I got her spookies I wouldn't end up encroaching on her style...
Yeah if you guys like those socks you should totally order a pair - The Sock Lady is super nice, and it's a one woman business run out of her home in Vermont. Very worth supporting. And no, she wont recognize 'FalseTodd', but she will recognize my True Name. Which I think Alex knows.
the opeth kids keep having these pseudo-intellectual gayass religion discussions about wheter theres a god and who was jesus and if christianity is gay or what... so i said "did you guys see the last temtation of christ? that movie made me really like jesus"
hahaha! this is sooooo funny. i have this new metalfriend and he says hes -- get this! a Satanist!!!! but not like a devil-worshiper -- but in the anton le-gay-an sense!!!
Yeah same here. Black clothes, pentagram necklaces, always talking bout Anton, and Mr. Crowley and crap. But it's good for a laugh sometimes. Well, I'm off to the open bar. Check you dudes and dudettes next year.
im sorry, that was my fault. im really sorry. um... i have these dumb scrunch socks from the early 90s... they seem to be the only ones i cant lose
knit her some wool-socks in many different colors!
like this..
