NEED Help - Mic Pre noise??


Orpheus: Melodic Death
Mar 9, 2008
Hey guys! I need help :S

I just bought a safe sound p1 pre/comp and when I'm recording DI's and running a SIM, I'm getting some weird noise :S I never really got much noise with my shitty Art PRE, but then again, it's not a LOT of noise, just different and I'm concerned it will translate onto my DI's when recording them :S
It sounds digital but I'm really not sure what's going on!

Any help would be appreciated!

I have tried: Plugging to a different power point, turning off my monitors and screen, ground on/ off on the Countryman and also different guitars and umm... that's it!

I didn't notice the noise when doing vocals into a mic though :S
Very odd. It sounds almost like the noise an idle hard drive makes, except louder. One thing you didn't mention, have you tried different cables? XLR and 1/4"? Try the Hi-Z input on your P1 and see if it's still there just as an experiment?
I have a Quad Eight preamp and it is pretty sensitive to noise and interference when using the DI input. Try moving away from the computer with the instrument plugged in and see if that helps.
With NOTHING plugged into the pre amp... the noise is still there, it sounds weird like a polling sound, if I change the latency on the RME, as in 64 samples/ 128 etc, the noise becomes a different frequency :S??

This is pissing me the fuck off because I need to record guitars for this album through this gear! *cries hysterically* lol!
Fuck I didn't think this would happen again.

I'm going through this with another client of mine to whom I suggested a similar gear chain. He's running into exactly the same issues with the P1. It seems to be way too prone to this kind of noise for it to be an accident. I would consider returning the unit and grabbing something else. Nothing but an isolation transformer helped in his case... and that thing sucked a lot of tone.
Dude i really hope they take a refund because that's a shit load of money lol! I'm going to take it to ricks tomorrow with my guitar and see if we get the same shit!! See how we go, I hope I can fix the issue! I really don't want to go hunting again so soon before recording the album...
Oh and.. the sad thing is it is fucking SICK on bass... like incredible... so I really hope to avoid this :S
Can anyone actually tell me WHAT the issue is though? If need be I can sit this thing 5 metres from my pc... but I just don't know if it will work :S
Ok... So I pulled my entire room apart. Played tetris with every PowerPoint and somehow... It's all fixed :s so yeah! Cheers for all the help guys :) glad that's finally fucking done woo!!!
It's fucking retarded... All the sounds were from the pc and amplfied by my LCD monitor.... So the pc and monitor are on one board and the p1 and manns on the other... It's pretty much DEAD quiet lol! I'm stoked.
Yeh! The thing is, the Furman is a power conditioner, regulates the voltage that's pretty much all! It doesn't actually isolate Ground loops. Which it seems was my problem :S

The RME being the link between the powered P1 and my PC. So I had to split where they were both plugged into :)
The Furman wouldn't do anything for him IMO...
$400 paperweights, awesome!

Y'know in light of this, it had damned well better regulate voltage AND cancel ground loops:
