Need help on trying to find out what this thing im describing is


I are Joe
Nov 2, 2009
Wales, United Kingdom
So i've started my lab report for audio science today, and it needs to be in for tomorrow and we now have to write up what we used to conduct the experiment to find out whether we had a lo or high pass filter
anyways, i can't remember what the fuck the name of this thing is and i obviously can't find it on google because of my extremely vague description so im handing it over to you

the first thing we used was an oscilliscope
and we had a (this is the thing i dont know the name of but really do need) green board with little blocks that slot into the green board and they run into the oscilliscope
each block has a symbol on what it is (resistor,capacitor etc...)

any ideas guys?

edit: wooo 100th post :Smokin:
So i've started my lab report for audio science today, and it needs to be in for tomorrow and we now have to write up what we used to conduct the experiment to find out whether we had a lo or high pass filter
anyways, i can't remember what the fuck the name of this thing is and i obviously can't find it on google because of my extremely vague description so im handing it over to you

the first thing we used was an oscilliscope
and we had a (this is the thing i dont know the name of but really do need) green board with little blocks that slot into the green board and they run into the oscilliscope
each block has a symbol on what it is (resistor,capacitor etc...)

any ideas guys?

spittin' some terms at ya

circuit board
sine wave
neither of those.

It's a plastic green board with little conductive pegs sticking out from them and with that you put the green block (each having a different function on it) onto the peg and see the results on the oscilliscope
it's function is basically like a circuit board though.
Looks like this, right?


I have no idea what it is, but this site seems to have one for sale - if you search here you may find it.
for now i've put 'simplified circuit board' :p
hoping that'll satisfy, it should.

EDIT: that is sooo similair to what it is i think i'll search that and have a ganders around to see what i can find :D