Need help to mix/reamp a demo song [New wave of Belgian Heavy Metal ;)]


des scoubidoubidous wha !
Jan 15, 2007
Greetings Humans,

we've finished a demo of a song with my band, Forced Evolution.

You can take a listen here of a very raw mix :

We spent all our cash (the band is mostly broke students) on gear, guitars, interfaces and stuff... So if anybody would be interested to mix this for pratice... I can send you the tracks by PM. I still have to upload them and finalize few details.

If you don't bother mixing this but could reamp the guitars that would be also awesome.

Guitars :
Revalver MKIII+impluse in this raw mix. A reamping would be great.
Rythm guitars : Ibanez RG 1527 with a Dsonic in the bridge.
Leads/solos guitars : Ibanez RG 1527 with JB/'59.

Drums :
EZdrummer w/DFH+samples
(I'll provide the midi file of course)

Bass :
Yamaha model into the Sansamp.

2 tracks for the verses.
4 tracks for the chorus/bridge.

Many stuff including Nexus and some samples in Reason.

Everything in my firebox.

I would be glad to help you guys back. I have several synths/VSTi of many kind and have time on my hands if I can be of any help.

I hope you've got a fast connection...will be like 2gigs in the end ;)

(3 mics for each guit...3 or 4 amps)

btw, some edits on the DI tracks aren't really clean, might well be that you won't notice it in a full mix later though
the sound is so good.

we'll put fade in the middle part, there are many layers of keyboards in the middle. so its not a problem.

It sounds great :D

you could just cut in the middle, timestrech the fade-in and -out a wee bit and crossfade.

yeah, I really like how smooth the recto sounds with dsonic.

not the perfect pup for the krank though
Here's a shortass mix...

DKFH Superior (there was some note in the drum map that clearly didn't lineup and triggered a cowbell... I was gonna fix it but thought it was too funny and left it.)

Guitars are revalver

Used the included sansamp tone.

I woulda LOVED midis of the keys!

File is there...

I mixed this on this:


(edirol MA-7a monitors and a room where my scrotum is the most acoustically absorbant thing.)

I really wanna know how this mix turned out... sounds like my favourite mix i've done so far but this is on the mini speakers and also checked on my iphone...

Be brutal!
