Need help with a demo mixing

I will try my best but I am a beginner at mixing so it might not be good enough for you, if so I will provide you with the reamps if you want them.

I have some questions :

- I am using EzDrummer with the "Drum Kit From Hell" kit and the "Metal Kit" setting, is that what you want ?
- Do you want a High gain rhythum guitar sound, medium gain or low gain ?
You can use what you got, i used the Ez drummer DFH and Superior Avatar, with the Andy Sneap CH kick and snare samples , and Nick C 6505 vst for guitars, hi or medium gain guitar tone it s ok. I consider myself a beginner too :), have a nice Weekend.
It is just a mix, I dont know how to do mastering.

I haven't listened to your mixes yet, I did not want to have any reference so I would have to do it all myself.

I will listen to your mixes now.

EDIT : Can you possibly change over to dropbox for file storage ?
The drop box links dont work, you should test them to make sure they are working !!

I listened to your 3 mixes from rapid share I think they sound great, I dont know what you are complaining about !!

I have a comment about the rythum guitar sound, it seems to take up too much space in the mix and causes
a slight loss of clarity but I could be wrong about that. I think I just prefer the sound of a real 5150 so I am biased.
Sorry i am new in this dropbox thing :P maybe it is uploading becouse it says uploading 3 files 49 min left :P
Yeah something causes lot of Clipps in the mix, i analyzed with the digicheck but i am not shure if its the guitar.
My mixes sounds decent but i know that it can be a lot of improvements
Maybe somebody can abase me , whit his version soon :)