need help with an odd mix


agent of brutality
Feb 8, 2004
Beyond The Unknown
ok im pretty bored right now, and im trying to make a mix CD. Normally Ill make a mix CD based on genre, thrash, death, power, whatever... this time I am taking a different route. I am attempting to put a mix togeather where all the songs are based on, or inspired by The Lord Of The Rings book series. Sounds odd, I know... but like I said... bored.

I dont want to put too much Blind Guardian or Battlelore on this mix... that would be a cheap way out. So far I can only think of the following songs:

Artillery - By Inheritance
Blind Guardian - Lord Of The Rings
Blind Guardian - The Bards Song
Blind Guardian - Into the Storm
Battlelore - Sons Of Riddermark

Also Amon Amarth - Amon Amarth... but I dont really feel like putting it on there because its too long/boring. I would like to keep this CD mixed as far as genres go, I dont want the whole thing to be power metal, lol. If anyone knows of any other non-power metal songs that could fit on here lemme know.
yeah, Summoning. also anything by the band Rivendell, for example:

"The Song of Eldamar"
"Misty Mountains"
"Aragorn Son of Arathorn"

that Amon Amarth song is good stuff.

ignore the power metal.