Need help with bands mix.

Im listening on my KRK headphones. It sounds good. Nothing is standing out as out of place. I think some of the songwriting decisions are less than desirable but it sounds good for what it is. Mostly the bridge is kind of meh, but there is nothing you as a mixer can do about that. Leave it be, Nice job.
Guitars are beefy as hell, drums are solid and the bass fits nicely.

That vocal transition at like 00:50 between clean and harsh sounds a little odd but you may be limited by the actual recordings.

In the fast bit at 1:18 the guitars drop in volume a bit much, I know its fast picking and muted so it may be that they are overcompressed for that part.

The vocal effects at like 2:45 and 3:00 are cool and fits the song nicely.

Solid mix, only like two things I picked up on and both really are a preference thing.

I would love to work on something like this, good job!