Need help with mix.


New Metal Member
Aug 21, 2010
I've only done a couple of small projects before, and I'm trying to mix this current project. I've EQ'd. Compressed, etc., but I know I'm still off the mark in some areas. I feel like there's maybe too much low/mid-low presence compared to commercial releases? I've been told that maybe there's not enough separation between drums and bass guitar, and that they may need more EQ work. I just can't seem to put my finger on where and how to accomplish this. I listed below my current settings for the drums and bass, if that helps. Any tips or advice on how to make this mix better would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.

Bass: Sent to a group channel in Cubase
On group: Compressor 1: 6 to 1 Attack 5.1 Release 10 (just set to tame the peaks)
Compressor 2: 4 to 1 Attack 20.1 Release 10 (for the overall compression)
EQ: Bass roll off at 55Hz
2.6 at 150Hz 1.0Q
-11.1 at 3000Hz 5.1Q
highs rolled off at 6000Hz

Drums: (all processing done inside of Superior Drummer at the moment)
Kick-Inside Mic: 5.0db at 52Hz 2.8Q
-15.5 at 280Hz 2.8Q
5.0 at 7000Hz 1.0Q
Kick-Outside Mic: -17.0 at 420 2.8Q
Then both sent to group channel
Kick Group: Compressor 4 to 1 Attack and Release at 50ms
EQ1: -14.5 at 220Hz 4.0Q
-14.0 at 560Hz 4.0Q

EQ2: 4.5 at 55Hz 4.0Q
5.0 at 100Hz 4.0Q
5.0 at 520Hz 4.0Q
6.0 at 8700Hz 1.0Q