Need help with mix (HC/Beatdown)


Oct 22, 2008

I'm currently mixing a project and since I got a lot of vocal tracks, new bass lines etc., I needed to change my usual settings completely.

I'm having trouble with this mix...

I'm kinda focusing on the low doesn't have to sound clear; there isn't much going on instruments-wise.

I'm usually working with pitched guitar-tracks as bass and this time I got a real bass track to work with.

Drums are DFH with Kick and Snare replaced, 4 guitar tracks with TSS, Solo C, Impulses.

What I'm guessing is that Kickdrum and Bass aren't working together at all...I already made low-cut at about 130 Hz for the guitars (which I usually do at about 90 Hz) and also made a cut for all the other instruments+vocals, so there should be enough room down there for kick and bass. ;)

But well, something just sounds completely weird.

However, I've listened to this for too long now and can't really tell what's good/bad sounding anymore, so I'm happy about any advice.

Thanks in advance. :)
Do you mean the way the vocals are mixed or is it just the way the vocals are (so I can't change it)?

Just want to make sure. ;)