Need help with this mix!


New Metal Member
Apr 20, 2010
Hey guys, for my first post in this great forum :) i would like to get some advices and ideas for this project i'm working on.
Low budget recording, but i want to get this as powerful as possible obviously. Something like the modern death metal sound would be great :P
(Mixing only at this stage, don't really know how to master properly)

-miced guitars (four rhythm tracks, two at 100L/100R and another two at 80L/80R | two solo guitar tracks at center) HP@100hz
-bass is the DI for lowend(HP@40hz and LP@250hz) and ampeg svx for the mid/high distortion(HP@250hz), at center.
-real drums with samples on the snare and kick, i'm going to also use samples i recorded from the same session for the toms
-vocals, i'm using some saturation and compression
I'm using eq on all tracks(some adds and subs like 3db@60hz, -3db@120hz on the kick and 3db@120hz on the bass), compression mainly on the bass
and drums, also with gclip(on snare,kick and toms) and reverb in the snare, kick, toms and solo guitar.

Mp3 (with limiter in Masterbus just for volume increase, maybe too much :/ )->

What do you think? I feel it lacks some definition and warmness and i want to get a more clear polished sound.
feedback and suggestions needed. thanks
sounds kinda ambient and deep, i like it!
bass is too loud IMHO. kick sounds great.
snare seems to be too quiet in some parts,
on other parts it's too loud, you should check that.

something like this maybe...
new version(nothing on the masterbus except dither) ->
the snare thing, i'm sure it's phase cancellation between the snare sample midi track(triggering sample in structure) and the drum overheads (i'm using HP@600hz in the overheads, but still...)
for the final mix, i'm going to print the snare samples in an audio track and phase align the bad ones with the overheads to correct that.