Need Help with Modern Series Deathcore Distressor Comp Attack/Release Settings

Dec 16, 2010
I just got a free plugin that I want to use for my kicks. It sounds pretty clean, but I don't get the Attack/Release knobs. Instead of numbering in ms, they are both numbered 0 thru 10. Any chance someone can help me make the conversion?
I've had my distressor for quite a while now, and for drums in general, you want medium attack medium/notsofast release, 3:1 maybe 4:1 — don't over compress your drums. On this hardware unit the Dist 2 mode adds a pretty cool edge when used on kicks. But i really doubt the plugin can. Dunno, maybe!
I'm supposed to HEAR the difference between a 30ms and 50ms attack time. That's a little hard for me to do, especially if there are other comps in the chain.
If you can't hear the difference then why does it matter? A real distressor is just 1-10 too.
edit: I know this post probably seems really unhelpful but I think you need to ask yourself why you're married to a number in the first place. A distressor is very much a "get in there and start twisting knobs" type of unit and the values all seem interactive. The ratio and distortion mode have a lot to do with the perceived speed of the comp. If this emulation is remotely accurate you'll get a lot more from it but seeing what it can do rather than trying to reproduce settings that worked elsewhere. Anyway, good luck and have fun.
1 is really fast, 10 is really slow. I usually start around 5 on each, maybe 3 or 4 on the release, and then adjust the attack til it sounds good. then adjust the release according to the material.
OK, I got the Attack/Release Conversions For Modern Deathcore Comp:
Attack 1: .03ms
10: 10ms
Release 1: 35ms
10: 3 seconds

So, not much attack time - must be why it's recommended for kicks