Need help with my mix! 70's tv show disco metal!

You can raise the kick volume, the synth is too loud and the guitars could have more mids, not much but a little more.
Can you say something about the progress? What did you use for the´s real played? Sounds good! Nice effects. Unfortunately I´m not in the studio in the next days, but on headphone it sounds like the left stereo channel is a bit louder than the right.
Thanks for your input! Its funny because I love a big kick sound and I always think I'm over doing it, so then I tend to overcompensate too low. I thought the same thing about the kick and synth at times when I was mixing it, but didn't listen to myself. Im going to fix it tonight and re-record the guitars(not happy with the tone) they sound good on my monitors and in the car but not on my cheap ear buds or my cheap multimedia speakers, I can hear the digital harshness... I have a new tone that to me sounds good on all my monitoring devices. I did a test of the tone here if anyone would like to comment on it! I know the guitars are to high in the mix but its just a test for the guitars.

Felix:I used S2.0mf for the drums and just eq'd them, axe fx for the guitar and bass.

Thanks for listen and any more input would be appreciated
I think the kick needs to still come up a little more and the guitars need more prescence, a boost around 5k usually helps, bass sounds pretty ok acctually, the snare could come up a little bit too