Need help with nu metal sound style


Apr 10, 2010
I Need help with nu metal sound style, please, i have spend to many hours trying to get my guitar to sound with real power with no sucesse,
I only have the guitar and a preamp, my goal is to get a power guitar sound similar to bands like evanecence or Red,
I first question? is there any vst with a similar sound as the boss MT-2 Metal Zone? I already test guitar rig 2 and AmplitubMetal , in amplitubmetal the sound sucks it just noise, at guitar rig 2 its a litle better, it coud be my eletric guitar (stagg L320), the thing is that my guitar with no distorction sound normal as another eletric guitar, just need a litle EQ.
should I buy the boss MT-2 Metal?is some presets on any vst that sound similar to MT-2?

my actual setings for the power guitar is
1- compression (long tack ,fast release)
2 - eq bust the hi freq. a bit
3- use a gate vst plugin so rip off some noise
4- the distorction pedal from AmplitubMetal (metal distorction)
5 - impulse from a messa 4x12( i dont know if is a an amp or a cabine)
6 - some eq to rise 7dB the 3127 Hz

the result sucks

i need a good starting point, please help me
can sombody send me a sample of a good Eletric guitar power chord so i cam have an ideia what have to sound like my guitar with no distorction.
it is possible create an impulse from a distorction pedal like the boss MT-2 Metal?
why we need Cabines on the amps if we have distorction?
what is the normal setup for a power guitar in a studio?

you can send me your advices direct to my email
thanks all :hotjump:
is there any vst with a similar sound as the boss MT-2 Metal Zone?


- everybody hates megaupload here; use instead

- and you are doing the signal chain wrong; put noise gate as firsts in chain, then eq, then comp, then distortion pedal, then preamp, then cabinet modeller, then eq. Personally I would suggest to clean it up; gate -> tss tubescreamer -> lepou legion -> catharsis awesometime s-hipres impulse -> highpass at 100hz and lowpass at 9khz, and nothing more. They are all free plugins/impulses

- to answer your question why you use cabinet; because higain preamp signal alone sounds like ass.

- and we don't do private tutoring
The definitive nu metal sound is pretty much Mesa Boogie Dual/Triple Rectifier with probably Mesa Boogie Rectifier Oversized cab or something quite similar.
If you can do nu metal with a Boss Metalzone or amp sims, you are my fucking god.
Also part of the nu metal sound is having a DAMN good ear for tracking and mixing.
Linkin Park's Hybrid Theory album was mixed by Andy Wallace.......should be no surprise why it sounds fucking amazing.

Anyway, do you really still want to sound like a nu metal band in 2010? :lol:
While I'm here, I know it sounds like fucking ass for guitars, but how does the Metalzone do for bass?
If not so much for that polished sound, how about getting a nice Kurt Ballou bass grit?
The definitive nu metal sound is pretty much Mesa Boogie Dual/Triple Rectifier with probably Mesa Boogie Rectifier Oversized cab or something quite similar.

I can only speak for Evanescence since I've done ton of search about Dave Fortman:D

So Fallen was a moded JCM800 and a tremoverb through an old mesa half back cab, miced with 2 57. Everything go to a neve 1081 straight to PT.

The guitars for Fallen were cut at Mad Dog Studios, also in Burbank. Moody says that Baumgardner lent him gear,
including his Les Paul and Gibson SG guitars, Marshall and Mesa/Boogie heads, and an old Mesa/Boogie cabinet. “It was
an old cabinet that was tried-and-true on rock records,” says Moody. “It was a no-brainer to use it. I know it was used
on Papa Roach and, I think, Staind. The heads were just the JCM 800, which was all souped up and modified, [and] a
Mesa/Boogie Dual Rectifier Trem-o-Verb.”
For the first time in his producing career, Fortman recorded the guitars through two different amps: one side being
Marshall and the other Mesa/Boogie. “I doubted it forever,” he confesses, “and then I decided during the Evanescence
recording that I would actually A-B it and see if there was really that much of a difference.” He recorded the Marshall
amp for both left and right sides, EQ'ing it to sound heavier than usual. “Then I A-B'd it by using a Mesa on the left side.
The differences tonally and with the different frequencies in the two different amps really do create a larger stereo feel.
It was amazing to hear.” The producer recorded the guitars with two Shure 57s, running them through Neve 1081
preamps straight to Pro Tools.
Interesting info AG :)
I knew there had to be some kind of Recto on Fallen, but didn't pick there being a Marshall in there.
Now that I'm A/B Fallen against some albums that were done purely with a Dual Recto, it seems Fallen has a little bit less grind than a purely Recto tracked sound, but the Recto character is definitely still there in Fallen.
your setup works very well, the only thing i notece is that lepou legion have to much noise at the at the mid-hi freq. the tone is not define as i want but maybe with a better guitarr or some friend of mine lent me a better guitar or maybe I buy some active pickups, my sound improuve alot thanks to you man


- everybody hates megaupload here; use instead

- and you are doing the signal chain wrong; put noise gate as firsts in chain, then eq, then comp, then distortion pedal, then preamp, then cabinet modeller, then eq. Personally I would suggest to clean it up; gate -> tss tubescreamer -> lepou legion -> catharsis awesometime s-hipres impulse -> highpass at 100hz and lowpass at 9khz, and nothing more. They are all free plugins/impulses

- to answer your question why you use cabinet; because higain preamp signal alone sounds like ass.

- and we don't do private tutoring
I would bet it's the guitar then if what ahjteam suggested doesn't get you a ruling metal tone straight away. Also with that contour knob you can pretty much dial in any EQ you could ever want. It should be miles better than an amplitube distortion pedal straight into a cab impulse
the guitar tone is great, amplitube and guitar rig sucks when compared with it, it was the best tip that somebody give to me about guitars, it misses some defeniction on the low frequencies its probably my guitar, the palm mut efect its not punchy enough .
I use dobletraking,
what kind of Reverb is normaly use in this situaction(nu metal rhythm), mabe small room? and is normal to use delay to expand the sound?

once more thanks so much for your posts