Need Help with this Mix

haha yea I know what you mean, thats why i went to school for this shit

yea u do need to start over, focus on the drums first. If your drums sound really great, you can (sometimes) get away with the guitars being shit. Also, you need to find a song where u like the mix, and every few minutes of mixing, compare your mix to theirs. You'll then quickly realize whats wrong with your mix.

oh and that sig is wayyyyy too big my friend :yow:

I'll make the sig smaller haha, Gets the point across though, Right ;)

i sort of wanted a Monuments tone, like John Brownes, but erm... I don't think i'm anywhere near it.

I would go to college for music tech but, i'm already doing a music practice course haha, we do a bit of sound tech next year, but only very basic.

I'm gunna buy Ermz's book in a week or so, should help quite a bit from some of the comments i've read, and i'm trying, at the moment, to get a decent pair of monitors haha, but i'm on a right tight budget.

If i upload drums in a track on their own, would you be able to help me get a nice-ish sounding drum tone? :D
I'd appreciate it alot! and i mean alot!!!

There's way too much wrong here.

Could you specify atleast 1 thing for me to sort out? :)
The guitars are too middy and reverby sounding. Make sure there's a nice scoop around 400-600. They need to be reamped or something. That tone is horrendous. Playing tighter and doing some editing will go a long way as well.
The guitars are too middy and reverby sounding. Make sure there's a nice scoop around 400-600. They need to be reamped or something. That tone is horrendous. Playing tighter and doing some editing will go a long way as well.

Alright, I'll re-record the guitars but with DI's next time so it's easier to change tones and use different stuff.

In the rhythm guitar chains, there isn't any reverb at all. the only instrument with reverb is the lead guitar parts and the snare...

i'll look into it anyway
If you're still super new at mixing, do what you've said you're about to do.. buy Ermz's book and get some 'Mix this' DI packs from the forum and practice on them... it has taught me a lot.
If you're still super new at mixing, do what you've said you're about to do.. buy Ermz's book and get some 'Mix this' DI packs from the forum and practice on them... it has taught me a lot.

Sounds like a good plan dude haha, i'll go and do that for a bit, and then next time i do my own mix, it should be a hell of alot better!

I'll just get some practice in for now and then record something every month or so and see if people here think i've improved or not, probably the best way.