need HM-2 Help

I've managed to get much clearer sounds than what I've heard so far... maybe I'm not pushing it too much. This is an old clip, but I think it shows the nasty yet understandable sound. X - Pagrind Short Version.mp3
Great tone ! :headbang:
Can you explain a bit more your guitar chain, to better understand how you get that great balance between dirt and clarity ?

Here is a quick test I did today with my HM-2 Jap, into my Marshall JMP-1 on OD2 channel (gain on 1) + Torpedo PI-FREE (poweramp + SM57 + Marshall Slash V30 sim), with poweramp cranked.
Didn't have the time to record bass.
Don't focus on drums, it's SD2.0 Avatar on stock settings, no processing at all.

Guitar bus processing : HP/LP + a few little cuts, and a touch of tape saturation (Bootsy Ferric TDS).

What do you guys think about it ?
Is it only possible with HM-2 on its own to have great response on palm mutes ?
Maybe I'll try to blend these 2 takes with 2 clean/standard settings (OD808 + JMP-1) new takes.
Thanks dude !
It's the first time I'm pretty happy with my HM-2 (it's only the 2nd time I try it).
I realised that it's not necessary to spend too many time tweaking the pedal (everything all the way up, done :kickass:) ; I had better results spending more time tweaking the amp after the HM-2.
Can't wait to try it on more achieved stuff !!
I want to try it for bass grit too.

Is that Horrendous clip recorded/mixed by you ?
Sounds pretty badass !
Do you guys prefer the HM-2 on clean channel, or crunch / hi gain ?

With my setup (JMP-1), it was not bad on clean channel, but I had deeper/thicker results on a crunch channel (actually a hi gain channel with very little gain).
Great tone ! :headbang:
Can you explain a bit more your guitar chain, to better understand how you get that great balance between dirt and clarity .

This recording is from 2009 so I'm not absolutely certain about the chain, but it kinda went like this:
Custom made gtr w/Bill Lawrence l500 pickups - Boss HM-2 (Now comes the part when I'm not sure of the settings we used, but I think it was something like: level@12 o'clock, L@9 o'clock, H@2 o'clock, Dist@8 o'clock) - Randall RG-100 - quite old 1960a cab - SM 57. Double tracked, btw.

Dude this is fucking AWESOME.

This recording is from 2009 so I'm not absolutely certain about the chain, but it kinda went like this:
Custom made gtr w/Bill Lawrence l500 pickups - Boss HM-2 (Now comes the part when I'm not sure of the settings we used, but I think it was something like: level@12 o'clock, L@9 o'clock, H@2 o'clock, Dist@8 o'clock) - Randall RG-100 - quite old 1960a cab - SM 57. Double tracked, btw.


I've been told it's cheating if not all the knobs are dimed ;)
yes but with all the knobs dimed, on my jvm, on crunch green it is already farting out.

and on clean it jusn't isn't IT.

I've been told it's cheating if not all the knobs are dimed ;)

:lol: I couldn't help it and ended up just using it as a booster (with a litttttttllleee bit of character).

There's another underrated Boss pedal that works surprisingly well as a booster. It's the Metal Zone (MT-2), try it if you have one lying around.
This has got me thinking... I have one of these pedals hiding somewhere.... Need to dig it out!

this is Hm2 right? [ame][/ame]
DIYer here, anyone care to contribute?

I need some gut shots of this baby, as I found the schematic online and wanna build my own! Mainly need to know what the diodes and ICs are in it :D

These clips are all sick as hell! I would love to hear the Lasse/Mago DI through it :D