need isolating in ears (for monitoring use)

Lasse Lammert

HCAF Blitzkrieg
Feb 12, 2009
I have a rather cheap in ear wireless system (Shure PSM200) that I'm never using...
now I'm thinking about using it on the upcoming tour, but I'd still like to get decent in ears for it.
I know, the custom fitted 2/3-way drivers would be the best, but I'm absolutely broke and just can't afford them....
so I'm looking for a cheaper alternative.
- not too expensive
- best posible isolation from outside sound (the other guys will still be using cranked wedges)
- decent sound at loud volumes
- tight fit (I might bu jumping around, and my ear canals are about as big as other people's mouths)
if you can a good fit with the etymotics, nothing beats them for isolation.
I personally couldn't get a good fit with the triple flange tips of the hf5 and I hated the overly analytical, bass-shy sound.
I now own the shure se-215 and they're almost there with the etymotics' isolation. the sounds is extremely low mid-bass heavy (around 160) and the high's are shy but they're more comfortable for me.
I'd suggest you try them both, they're probably your best bets.
I have Shure E3.
Have not gigged with them but I can listen at low volume in a noisy environment. Sigur Ros on an aeroplane :-)
They were designed as pro in ears.

They have been updated now but can still be got second hand.
Sennheiser IE4. Used them, they are great. Apparently, they were the in-ear monitor of choice on a Eurovision contest held a couple of years ago in my country. I hear there is a newer model available now, the IE6, but those are more expensive.

Custom In Ears at over half off the big boys. I have The dual xbs for $299.00. Amazing for performance and reference. Had shure E3s back int he day and these blow them out of the water for 100.00 more bones. Sensaphonics and Ultimate ears are bending their customers over. It's an absolute shame.
Got the etotymotics...really disappointed with the sound, they sound damn awful in my ears...very tinny, no bass etc (might be the weird shape of my canals or something, don't know.
The phonak audeo I used to have sounded MUCH better