Need more epic, wall-of-sound, slowcore stylee shitz...

dill_the_devil Music Editor
I've already got a healthy appreciation for the likes of Isis, Neurosis, Pelican, Cult Of Luna, etc., and just recently I've been checking out Mogwai (really liking 'Stop Coming To My House'), My Bloody Valentine and the likes as well. I guess I'm looking for mostly instrumental, really immersive, hypnotic bands - a combination between drone and melody, I suppose. Weird criterion, I know, but any suggestions (and mp3s) would be greatly appreciated.
you've heard sunn O))) yes? if not, NOW! NOW GODDAMMIT NOW!!! [/die hard]

ps: my bloody valentine rules.
Erik said:
Did you try Somnium Mortuum? plz let me know if you download it and can share

I will look on DC tomorrow when I get home from work. Oh, and i clicked your signature. That footage will rock.
You might try some of the bands on Codebreaker--Abandon, Figure of Merit, Deadbird, Zatokrev (which is the lesser of the 4).
Also Minsk, Mouth of the Architect, and Overmars.
god damn nad said:
you've heard sunn O))) yes? if not, NOW! NOW GODDAMMIT NOW!!! [/die hard]

ps: my bloody valentine rules.

sunn O))) is so kvlt. :kickass:

and if you havent heard Jesu get their s/t
i've heard some jesu, pretty cool stuff.
Nate The Great said:
I have the promo for the new Sunn 0))). Its called 'Black 1'. Malefic and Wrest do some stuff on it.

Just thought I'd throw that out there.
tell me more, tell me more!
oh man i'm getting chills just thinking about decay2.

time to freak out the neighbors!