need motivation to work...


Protools Guru
Mar 21, 2006
Kelowna, B.C. Canada
So I'm spending the next week or so in england, visiting family, and spending time in a city that is almost 1/2000th the size of the city I'm living in normally. There is literally nothing for me to do most hours of the day then do work, editing, mixing etc etc etc. And I don't mind...because I have 3 records to mix, and I just purchased SD 2.0 so I want to play around with that.

However, I'm finding it incredibly hard to get motivated. Generally when this happens I watch music related dvds or youtube videos, but for some reason it's not working, and I find myself playing terrible flash games online or watching terrible UK television (no offence, I mean this only by comparison to my direct tv package with HBO I got at home).

So what do you all do to stay motivated? Anyone got any sweet in the studio videos I may have not seen. I'm watching the inflames ones right now and it's starting to get me to work a bit....but not nearly enough. Hell if any of you have songs you want midi drums for....give me a pm and I'll program something up....

seriously it's that bad right now.
So I'm spending the next week or so in england, visiting family, and spending time in a city that is almost 1/2000th the size of the city I'm living in normally. There is literally nothing for me to do most hours of the day then do work, editing, mixing etc etc etc. And I don't mind...because I have 3 records to mix, and I just purchased SD 2.0 so I want to play around with that.

However, I'm finding it incredibly hard to get motivated. Generally when this happens I watch music related dvds or youtube videos, but for some reason it's not working, and I find myself playing terrible flash games online or watching terrible UK television (no offence, I mean this only by comparison to my direct tv package with HBO I got at home).

So what do you all do to stay motivated? Anyone got any sweet in the studio videos I may have not seen. I'm watching the inflames ones right now and it's starting to get me to work a bit....but not nearly enough. Hell if any of you have songs you want midi drums for....give me a pm and I'll program something up....

seriously it's that bad right now.
same boat

i've got 4 cd's in waiting... all due "NOW" so to speak


and i wish i had some advice but i dont... i usually waste a lot of time on my laptop until someone threatens to kill me, then i slave over and rush it
Motivation to motorboat, NOT mix!

I feel you there though. Most of the time I try to pump myself up by listening to Nickelback, Disturbed or Paramore (Randy Staub, Ben Grosse & CLA respectively) in order to light the love for production under my ass. The unfortunate thing is that the preparation to mix is one of the most tedious experiences known to man. The incessant editing of tracks, the setting of trigger points for the drums, the laying out of the session, the trimming of gains in order to be hitting optimal bus levels etc. Not a very creative process going into things, can almost be stifling at times.
same here...gotta edit 2 albums and mix one before the year ends...and I'll be on holiday from wednesday on.....
oh, forgot, I'll also have to record a single tomoz.

I guess I'll just increase the amount of glühwein and try to ignore all that :D
Sounds like you guys need a little break. Don't even listen to any music whatsoever for a day or two, don't do anything music related. It may get you in a bit of trouble with regards to the schedule but it will probably be worth in the long run.

I love music and recording/mixing/etc but it's inevitable that every now and then I get sick of it and when it happens I take a break and afterwards I either want to continue or REALLY have to. Ultimately. the job gets done.
I've found the Roadrunner United dvd and the Strapping Young Lad dvds are quite good when showing the recording process... except for having to listen to Dino's fat ass on the RR one (really don't like him, no idea what it is about him that boils my piss)

the Berzerker one is quite good too... Luke Kenny spending 16months getting nothing done except getting pissed in Canada then setting up a studio at home and recording the album in two weeks...
except for having to listen to Dino's fat ass on the RR one (really don't like him, no idea what it is about him that boils my piss)

dude I met him once (he married a friend of one of my ex's) , and he was a total dick. Not in the sense that he said anything negative to me, it was just his tone and general outlook on anything. He has this arrogance about him that was unbelievable.

Side note good suggestions that easily killed a few hours of time.


how do you people in the UK afford gear? I went to an apple store to buy a 65 dollar battery and didn't because it was 190 dollars!!!
his tone and general outlook on anything. He has this arrogance about him that was unbelievable.

how do you people in the UK afford gear? I went to an apple store to buy a 65 dollar battery and didn't because it was 190 dollars!!!

Thats it i think... i remember watching a few interviews with him as Divine Heresy was about to drop and all of the interviews made me want to slap him... and come to think of it, its when he's generally talking that i want to slap him...

on the side note...

We barely can... to be honest, my guitars have been ebay purchases from overseas when the exchange rate was decent.

now i can barely afford a pot to piss in
But guys you cant have such nice tits without this:

And that should be motivation anyways. Money money money money. Money.

And in this business, money is not an option, so u r fuked.