Need new power metal band for listening purposes.

Jasonic said:
Maybe he doesn't like power metal that some refer to as being too flowery?
I dunno.
I guess I can see what he means though.
(IE - He probably isn't looking for Power Quest).


I actually like a lot of bands like that fact I like those three that I mentioned...I guess a better description would've been something more folkish relying more on a great singer with awesome guitar riffs rather than blazing fast guitar solos and fruity keyboards.
Jordan94k said:
I didn't know where else to post here it is...I was wondering if any one would be kind enough to give me suggestions for a new band to listen to. There are tons of power metal bands out there so I was hoping someone could narrow it down.

I'm really looking for bands in the vein of Falconer, Wuthering Heights, Elvenking (to some extent), Running Wild...and less of the Edguy/Dragonforce/Angra/etc...if that actually makes sense to anyone...

You can check these guys out.For a no-frills Power Metal band.They aint'too shabby.