Need Opinion On Interfaces

Robert W

May 13, 2009
This was recorded using a L6 Guitarport,

Same settings but recorded directly using Reaper

Now the Reaper clip seems to sound less muddy to me than the one recorded using the Guitarport. Now assuming my ears aren't playing tricks on me, and the Reaper recorded track is clearer, than would something like a Focusrite Saffire give me the kind of clarity as I got on the Reaper track?
Saffire + maybe a DI if you want and you're set. I've never been satisfied with the converters in L6 interfaces. As always, a pricier one will be better.
Saffire + maybe a DI if you want and you're set. I've never been satisfied with the converters in L6 interfaces. As always, a pricier one will be better.


I always thought the L6 recorded stuff sounded muddier, but thought it was because I may have not been using the best possible recording settings.

So in your estimation, the Saffire would sound as least as good as the Reaper clip?