Need opinions on a cheap poweramp for rehersals

The Unavoidable

May 27, 2008
Umeå, Sweden
So I'm getting a poweramp for use with my SansAmp PSA, to go with a Harley Benton 2x12. This will primarly be a rehersals rig, so it doesn't need to sound all that pretty, just be loud and functional. After looking around Thomann some, I came to the conclusion that this looks like just what I need:

Will fit my rack just fine, price is about all that I can spend at the moment, and it even matches my SansAmp.

I'm more or less decided that this is what I'm going to get, but if anyone has any extreme objections then let's hear 'em. I'm going the ultra-cheap route since I really need a functional rehersal rig, and I need it fast. I don't care if it break down in a year, since I'll just be using it as a temporary mean of making some noise.
Tubeworks Mosvalve or Hafler (or Digitech) G150! The Hafler/Digitech has a bridged mono mode whereas the Mosvalve doesn't, so the Hafler edges out in my book, but the Mosvalve is apparently a great unit too!
I'd go with something with a little more power if you can. I've got a 50 watter solid state 2 channel power amp. Got it for practically nothing with a pre. Does the job and sounds pretty good- just wish it had a little bit more power. Around 100 watts at 8 ohm would be sweet.
Thanks for all the suggestions people, although most of them are out of the question for various reason. The used market is quite dry around here, and like I said there is a time constraint. Appreciate the info though, I'll keep it in mind when/if it's time to upgrade!