Need opinion's on this drum sound (Acoustic drum content)


Jun 6, 2007
Ok so i need your opinion on this drum sound. The story is i just tracked the drums, the band are going to do the rest themselves including the mixing.

So il be giving them the raw sounds but they also want me to do my own mix ready version of the drums.

So this is what i have to date 1.mp3

The guitars are the scratch track we cut the drums to i used them to get some kind of a mix going on but it was hard without having all the elements present.

I still have to automate the o/h's, hat and ride mics a bit better or maybe i should leave this to the person mixing it?

And i need to spend some more time with the reverb on toms and snare.

Anyways its always good to check with other people and iv kind of lost perspective on it right now so need to wait untill tomorrow before i do any more to it.

So yea what do you think?
I'd leave the automation to the guys mixing it.

Cymbals have some swelling going on ATM.
Toms need some work/reverb.

Overall I like it man, I'm sure with some tweaking it will sound $$!
I'd leave the automation to the guys mixing it.

Cymbals have some swelling going on ATM.
Toms need some work/reverb.

Overall I like it man, I'm sure with some tweaking it will sound $$!

Thanks for the comment man. I really dont like how the overheads turned out (very poor seperation) its going to be fun trying to improve it:heh: