Need serious help with screams in my metal mix!


New Metal Member
Nov 11, 2013
I figure this is the best place to ask for help with this song. This is my first post hopefully I will be welcome at this forum!

Right now the Vocal Chain is:

Chris - > Shure SM7b ->Metric Halo ULN-2 -> Reason 7
EQ (SSL): HPF@100Hz, -3.5dB@600Hz (wide-ish), +5dB@4KHz, +6dB@8KHz
Compressor (SSL):ratio 10:1, fast attack, slow release
Compressor: Ratio 2:1, fast attack, slow release

Some phrases are layered but I'm mostly concerned with the "lead screams"

Also, the chorus doesn't have the clean vocals yet, so its just the instrumental.

I tried poking a hole in the guitars around 4K with a narrow dip to help make space.

My goal is to have the uncleans aggressive without being super abrasive and pokey. I'd like em to be huge too, but I want to set realistic goals with this mix. I'd love some help on this and could upload raw tracks etc. for processing lessons, I've tried 2-3 completely different methods, with the current one sounding the best out of the bunch.

Any help would be greatly appreciated!!!

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Sounds like it's pretty dry. Maybe add some reverb or some light 1/4 or /8th note delay.
How much attenuation do you have on each compressor?
I usually have a compressor between 8-10:1 with like 6-9db of reduction and I'll put the makeup gain to where there's no volume difference when I bypass the compressor.
Or maybe try a limiter as the first thing in the chain and smash it like 6db.
You could try Blending in some parallel distortion.
Also in some parts it sounds like the overheads are gone like 0:45
I added some verb and delay a bit. Also backed off on the drum compression a tiny bit and automated a little.

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I added some verb and delay a bit. Also backed off on the drum compression a tiny bit and automated a little.

Much better, but now the lead vocals are a tad too loud IMO - just a couple dbs too much.
Otherwise, now they sit much better in the mix! :)

PS. Welcome to the forums, you will be welcomed! :)
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