Struggling with Clean Vocals in Metal Mix


New Metal Member
Nov 11, 2013
HELP! I really can't mix in these clean vocals at all, I have tried so many different things and haven't gotten anywhere that I wanted. The problems are:

Vocal doesn't sit or sound even

I can't add high end "air" without getting harshness

The 's' sounds are hit or miss with the de-esser, automation may be the solution

The signal chain was: Corey -> SM7b -> UA 610-mk2 -> Metric Halo ULN-2 -> Daw

Then in the daw I put an 1176 style FET comp on, an EQ, and another compressor.

My monitoring chains are: Yamaha HS8M, Equator D5, JH Audio Custom IEMs, AKG K701s... I tried to listen on all of these to adjust things. The monitors are in an "adequately treated" room

If someone can help me learn how to fix this I will be eternally grateful.
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I am listening on monitoring headphones (can't put the monitors on) but the vocals sound fine to me. The 's' sound is quite strong now I am listening for it. Have you tried a transient filter? I find de-essing very hit and miss with automated plugins.
Your chain is allright :) nothing wrong with that. Do what Schismatic wrote.

And one more thing. Play with stere widener and mono + stereo delay :)