
Feb 10, 2009
At this point im running Logic Pro on a Macbook Pro and a Presonus FP-10 as my interface. At this point what would it be wiser to do, pick up a higer end interface(apogee)? a nice compressor(empirical labs) or a nice mic pre.

i realize that most people say invest in the room sound, but my current location is temporary.

also if a mic pre is the way to go could you make some suggestions of brands and models to check out, i'm looking to spend $500-1000
You don't mention mics or monitors. I would buy a nice mic and monitors before before a preamp. Of all of the things on your list I would buy a high $ compressor last.
im running two krk 8in monitors

kick-beta 91
kick2- yamaha subkick
snare- shure 57
toms- audix f10s
hihat- audix f15
overheads-shure 81s

guitar mic 1- audix i5
guitar mic 2- shure 57

bass mic 1-sennheiser e602
bass mic 2-subkick
bass DI-Avalon U5

vocals-Sterling Audio ST66
my vote is for a new interface. I just switched from the FP to the maudio profire. I did a shootout if your interested

BTW, bass traps are fairly portable and can be moved to different locations. Ive moved mine twice.

if your looking for a better pre, look into the FMR really nice preamp. or look at universal audio stuff.

if you want a compressor, I suggest picking up a focusright Liquid mix. I got one, and It is fucking stellar! I recommend doing compression in the box, because if you use outboard, you are stuck with the settings you chose initialy
i was looking at the fmr pres... what do they work best on? and will i see a big difference between that and the pres in my presonus?