Need some constructive criticism

mesa+Orange+shitty fucking digitech pedal+sm57+dbx 586+presonus firestudio project=that shitty ass tone...

i think its the damn pedal
i ordered a micro metal muff by electro harmonix, its a kickass pedal
but my rule of thumb is to never use pedals but i havnt quite found a good distorted tone on my amp
maybe thats whats wrong with it??

and your tone i was listening to earlier, demonstealer, wasnt bad.
what did you route your guitar through?
esp into pod x3 (using gate, stomp and eq) into LANEY VH100R with Laney Cab with celestian 30s and 2 mics on it 1 sm58 cap off and 1 sn609 and i recorded 1 left and 1 right with the sm and then 1 left and 1 right with the sn, 100 pan on both.

^^^ hahaha

Well I jsut made one more change in it
And overwritten the old file so click the download link again and hear it
small change just to make it cleaner

here is what i did

C1 Noise Gate

Waves Q10

PSP Vintage Warmer

Nuendo EQ
you just ruined my day and made it better at the same time
you showed me how to fix my tone... . . .


HMM??!! lol
That dude's clip is better but it still doesn't sound too great to me. I'm no expert so I'm going to give advice based upon how I approach things.

Go back to basics. Do you really need that pedal in your chain? You either have a orange head through a mesa cab (lovely) or a mesa head through an orange cab (also very lovely). Don't bother with the pedal. Fuck around with your tone. Stand in the room with your amp and dial in a tone that sounds really good to your ears. A lot of people here use tubescreamers without even hearing the difference it makes. Check out the Tubescreamer FAQ and see if its for you. I'll use one when its needed - always on Mesa rectifiers but with an orange thunderverb I don't feel the need.

Now take your 57 and place it where the centre of the cone meets the dustcap. If the top speakers are slanted, you'll have to keep your 57 on axis with the speaker by pointing it down a little bit. Start with the mic 1 inch from the grille and go back until you're happy with the sound. I usually end up with the mic around 2-3 inches back - it sounds a little less harsh and the low end won't be quite so boomy which means less need for multiband compression.

As a starting point for EQ - roll off the lows from around 100hz and the top end from around 10k. Don't just put narrow 15dB boosts in and sweep around - that tends to be bad practice. If you hear something you don't like, maybe some upper mid-range harshness, start with a 3dB cut around 1.5k. If it sounds a little hissy/whistley (I don't have a good term to describe it) try a cut around 5/6k. Keep messing around with it - try to avoid anything really drastic though.

There's so much invaluable advice on here - keep searching around for threads posted by people who are in a similar position to you and before you know it you'll have an amazing tone that you'll be super happy with.

Maybe have a mess around with some of the stuff I've mentioned then post another clip for us to listen to.
i completley agree with AEL
the tone was pretty good on my headphones .. but then i listened to them on my laptop speakers and my monitors and it sounded weird :\

im just gunna stick my dick on my amp and dial a better tone
yeh, decent job you did too! Measure twice, cut once though - it has to be right from the start.