Need some death metal vocals?

Hey Ematic, the minusdrums song I was telling you about in a pm was released the other day and I just finished the drums to it tonight. It's a fucking awesome song with a neck snapping breakdown at the end. I need some br00tal vox on this one!! :rock:

Mp3 :

Credit for the guitar and bass track by Tony Bullard

I'm positive I'm too much of a Death Metal Growler for that song. But I'll try it and see how it sounds. Not so crazy about "core" genres lol

But I do however quite enjoy the ending riff quite a bit :kickass: nice job on the drums again man.
I'm positive I'm too much of a Death Metal Growler for that song. But I'll try it and see how it sounds. Not so crazy about "core" genres lol

But I do however quite enjoy the ending riff quite a bit :kickass: nice job on the drums again man.

Any core genre = :Puke: for me. Without a shaved head 17 year old faggot screaming over the song it just reminds me of a really heavy metal song. I also wondered how it would sound with the death vox, but maybe it would work.

Anyone here think it would work? I put the song on youtube so you don't have to download anything.
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If anybody has an mp3 version of an original song of theirs or even a cover of another bands' song I would gladly participate in adding my vocals too it :) I have a good mic and mixing program so just send me an mp3 version or something and I"ll do it up.

Here is a slight example of my growls. Only lows really, but it's a taste never-the-less.

Whhooooooo...noice. Sounds awesome. :kickass:
But one question remains: What mixing program are you using...? Mac or PC?
Hey Emetic,

You're exactly the person i need. I write all my metal digitally at the moment, cos i don't have a mike at all, so i'd love to pass something on to you. :D

If you're willing to give it a look, here's an example:

If i can find one that's finished, i'd also love some lyrics thrown over some technical death metal, meshuggah type stuff, but i can't find any i've finished yet, at least that i havent already tried to get vocals over :D

hopefully you're up for it, but regardless excellent voice man :rock:
Well today marks the day of production my friends. I have everything set up and roughly 8 hours to get this going. 'NerdOfTheYear' I will see what I can do with it. It sounds promising, but I can't promise you the title will stay 'The Infant Song' if I'm doing my own lyrics for it.

Unless you have some you wanted to provide for the song I'll be making my own. Obviously still sticking to some sort of lullabye type song :)
Nah, that was just the "In Working" Title of the song, go wild with the lyrics, cos i can't really write them for shit.

I'll post up any other songs i write today, cos i have a free weekend day for once.

Good luck with them all


I have a song, that i recorded lyrics for, but i hate how they sound, so if you're still looking for something to do at the end of the day, here it is:


With Lyrics:

The Lyrics:
Autonimous, static existance
defined by the self-regulated controls
of a mechanical world

the new age politics, based on face value,
where the liberated hide from
their freedom

One world united under common hatred
One life divided all society
One world united under common hatred
One life divided all society

Desires, quashed by
the world controller
manipulate mass produced cloning
conveyer belts our lives


Big breakdown bit, go nuts




Another, Untitled Song:
Nerd, so you say you record digitally...meaning you program all the guitar/drum tracks? I listened to the song and the rhythm guitar sounds real the leads over it sound really fake.

Anyways, Ematic I can't wait to hear what you come up with Six Eight Death (or whatever you rename it). \m/
Yeah, basically, i don't have a very good mic at the moment, and because I have school all day, and don't get home early enough, i can't really crank up my amp anyway. So i have a version of Reason 3 that a friend gave to me, and i use that to write all of my music on. I use to compose just midi files, which meant that i wasn't spending half my time battling for tone, so i could just focus on the songs i was writing.

But Reason does an alright job, especially seeing it's more focused on the dance music market :S

Oh, anyone want to listen to the 22 minute metal midi i wrote last christmas??? :D
I went though about half a year of trying to get my drums to record right. Get a good sound card, use your line in and get guitar cable adapters to fit in your pc at your local music store. Adobe Audition, Sony Acid, and Cubase are all great recording programs.

I think this whole thread waits on Ematics responses, I can't wait to see what he comes up with. He's got some br0000000tal vox.
Yeah, i'm looking to set up a home recording set-up next year, when i'm at uni and have a bit more time on my hands. The other thing i really want to get is a copy of Ministry Of Rock by East West... some of the best sampling i've heard.

I used to use a behringer (pardon spelling) usb line-in for my guitar, but its latency was ridiculous, and it picked up the tone like shit. There is an example of the only good thing i did record with it here:

And yes, we're definately all hanging on Emetic's response.... i'm so eager :D
Well if you guys would open your eyes a little :p I already posted a new thread yesterday morning called 'The Christian Conditions'
Go check it out lol. It has the ROUGH COPY of the song in it. I'm re-doing all vocals, taking out most of the dual vocals and mixing it better. This was a quick job basically so you could see how it was going to sound.
Dude, that's awesome. If I manage to find some free time this week, I'll sing something over that to see what comes out. If it's worth, I'll upload it to goear and pos it here.
Well, as long as you give me the permission, of course.

Of course man, that's why I posted it. Only thing is I have to put the disclaimer out, I didn't create the song - only played the drums to it so I don't own these tracks. But for fun and just fucking around we can do whatever.
Yeah I wont be able to do that song. I was barely even able to change for the song I had lol. If you can find a really good groovey death metal track, I'll be heaven because that's where my voice stands out most.
That sounds way better for me yeah, aslong as it actually has the chorus play more than once :p that last track basically didn't repeat anything so it's hard to keep the rhythm and feel of the song. I pretty much did my best with it though
Yeah the chorus repeats 3 times in that one.

InFlames I haven't done anything with it - it's honestly beyond my skill level lol. I can't play to the uber death stuff yet. :\