NEED some Direction on Death Metal Vocals(SM7b)

May 22, 2007
There is no Bass yet on this having trouble setting stuff up with the bass player to track
but anyways i have went on and recorded some vocals . Im still pretty knew to this..... i used Sm7b>groove tubesbrick>RNc>delta44

Now i understand that the Singer could be a better death metal vocalist .....but i cant help just wondering do you guys hear anything that i should be doing diffrent.........

And i have heard what alot of ppl say about how they track vocals

But what is the professional way to do it.....what im asking is ......How many layers of vocals are there on the main Vocal........And when you double the main vocal does the double get turned down quite a bit cancel out phase......
thanks dude i appreciate the help on this board is great.....Alot of helpful tips glad i took time out to post something...
Well the vocals sound like you've recorded them well to me, doubling vocals can make them sound thicker, especially if the vocalist can get any lower than he has done on this track, and you mix that in underneath. But doubling the vocal tracks and panning them left/right can thicken things up as well.

I think the mix as a whole would sound great once the bass is on there, and if you added some high end , and some more reverb on the drums and vocals. Overall, good job. Great guitar tone :)
hey dude thanks for the comments....i was beginning to think know one was goona comment on it...

I thought i heard it was bad to pan vocals left and right........They told its cool to do but you should only use it on pasrts that need a little more spice or the part calls for it
hey dude thanks for the comments....i was beginning to think know one was goona comment on it...

I thought i heard it was bad to pan vocals left and right........They told its cool to do but you should only use it on pasrts that need a little more spice or the part calls for it

I guess only pan the part if the vocalist can track it twice almost exactly the same. It's the same idea as guitars.

And for future reference, don't be sarcastic when you haven't had anyone comment, just wait ya turn.