My first project being Duplicated, "Death On Earth" - please comment

Jul 15, 2006
Kenton, OH

Alright fella's this is my first cd going to the press....Check it out let me know what you think....

The singer has a very extreme Voice.......So any suggestions on what i could further do to them would be great.. im using an Sm7b into a Groove tubes Brick >RNC>Delta 44
Drums were triggered from the set and replaced with some slate drum samples
i dont want to say to much about production i would like to get some of your guys opinions before i give out what i used....cant wait to get some feedback i have put so much time into this......
Here is one song off the EP called Falsity

and here is another song off the EP Slaveborn

thanks dudes i owe so much to all of you on this forum......greatest forum ever
The lower pitched vocals sound way loud in relation to the mix. Everything else sounds pretty good. Snare gets lost at times. Maybe a bit higher ratio got on the snare comp will help a bit. A few tweaks here and there and you have a great sounding ep!!
thanks dude......yeah this vocalist was really hard for me because he was so crazy with his voice changes....he went from the lows and extreme highs all over the my head is spinning.....but i guess im just gonna have to go back through and do some automation with his voice
Kick is pretty loud, guitars might benefit from being brought up a bit. (just a couple db on both counts, nothing huge.)

Like the others said, the growls are too loud... might try comping heavier or using more verb/a bit of delay to keep the entire vocal chain sitting in the mix a little more? It all sounds good, the vocalist just seem to sit 'ontop' of things, rather than inside them.

As is, it does sound good though. Very tight and clean, just needs a few little things sorted. :)
Vocals could go down *about* a db or so. Not much. I'm listening on my little Sony speakers that reveal ANY flaw in balance, oddly enough. Love them for that.

My biggest complaint is that it doesn't have much depth. It's got a sense of left-to-right, but I'm not getting much information in the front to back department.

I think the drums could do with some room (these are the Slate samples I'm presuming, very trademark sound now. but I love it, haha). Try adding some Z4 for the kick (just a bit) and the snare especially. I like to scroll through all the Z4 samples on the snare especially and found which one I like best for the song/band. Cool way of mixing and matching sounds that usually comes out very unique sounding. Shhh, don't tell anyone I told you, haha.

Same for the vox, some parts need to be enhanced and some need to slip in the background more as doubles, or something similar.

Good mix, balances are good, just work on your front to back and you're good.

Hope it helps.
the vocalist just seem to sit 'ontop' of things, rather than inside them.

I agree with that statement, thats how i kinda hear it

So to get the singer to set a little more inside i should add more Verb and delay

i have a little of both on already....Im using RVerb and the Voxengo delay

Im using an SM7b and recording flat.......Does anyone have any frequencies that they usally treat when using this mic......I mean its sets great in the mix as is....but i have noticed that i have been adding alot of Air lately in the EQ....anyone have and tips on this mic....
Vocals could go down *about* a db or so. Not much. I'm listening on my little Sony speakers that reveal ANY flaw in balance, oddly enough. Love them for that.

My biggest complaint is that it doesn't have much depth. It's got a sense of left-to-right, but I'm not getting much information in the front to back department.

I think the drums could do with some room (these are the Slate samples I'm presuming, very trademark sound now. but I love it, haha). Try adding some Z4 for the kick (just a bit) and the snare especially. I like to scroll through all the Z4 samples on the snare especially and found which one I like best for the song/band. Cool way of mixing and matching sounds that usually comes out very unique sounding. Shhh, don't tell anyone I told you, haha.

Same for the vox, some parts need to be enhanced and some need to slip in the background more as doubles, or something similar.

Good mix, balances are good, just work on your front to back and you're good.

Hope it helps.

CJ , im glad you commented

As far as the Z4 samples yeah im using them for the snare and the kick

So what can i do to improve on this Front and back issue? are you talking i just need more room sound to my mix? not sure what you mean ? can you explain.....thanks dude for your time