My first mix ever!


I didn't record the EP (exept vocals and some guitars) so I don't know any details how that is done. But this I know:

Drums: Tama Starclassic Performer, 4 toms.
Guitar amp: Engl Powerball(dist) Marshall cab with v30, Roland JC 120(Clean)
Guitars: Tokai Les Paul Zakk Wylde signatures with BMGs and Ibanez S370. Guitars were quad tracked

EP was recorded in little garage (you can hear that in overheads). They used soundcraft ghost mixer and Alesis adat24. I used TDM Pro tools. I didn't use any outboard eqs, comp... only plug-ins, mostly waves. In kick I used Rvox comp(it brings the kick right in your face and it's easy to use!). There were 3 tracks for kicks (B52, Yamaha sub-kick and sample) sample was from dfh. The orginal snare was awful. I hated. So what you hear in the mix is 90% sample snare from dfh. Also I don't like the toms. They are out of tune. There are no samples in toms (I didn't have the time to learn how to sample toms). Two dist guitars were panned hard left/right. The other two were about 80-90% left/right. Nothing special for the guitars. Some comp and eq to get some mud off. I filtered the guitars from 100hz down. The bass(60hz) was mixed under the kick(80Hz). Also nothing special on the bass.

Thats the basic tracks. If you wanna know something else just ask!