Need some feedback, not sure what I'm going to do with this project...


Feb 23, 2004
Rochester, NY

Any feedback would be appreciated, whether it be on the production, songwriting or performance. I'm thinking about finding someone else to take care of the vocals but there's no one in my area that's willing to play this kind of music. The only thing that seems to thrive around here is crust punk to be honest, so playing it live is probably a no-go unless I move to another city.

On the plus side, I've had these songs in a semi-completed state since about 2006 and I've finally had a chance to peck away at them over the past year or so. I've got another two on the way as well.

Let me know what you think!
Cool music man. I like the composition. Vocals could be brought up a bit, and cleared space in the music for eveything to breathe. Really dig the clean and heavy vocals. If you ever wanna do a collab let me know. I'd be interested.