Need some fresh ears for this mix

I think it's a good mix, just some small fixes needed. The snare sounds really boxy,dry and overcompressed to me but that's also a matter of taste. The kickdrum could stick out a little more. I really dig how much the bass stands in front! Vocals rule but I would turn them down a bit and use more de-essing for screaming. I really like the effects you used on this mix, pretty cool ideas! There is something in the OH's I don't like. Where have you set the hp? Guitars are a little thin and fizzy but just a tad!

Give your ears a little rest. I think your absolutely on the right way to make this a really cool sounding mix! Great song too!
First: thanks for your answers!

I think it's a good mix, just some small fixes needed. The snare sounds really boxy,dry and overcompressed to me but that's also a matter of taste. The kickdrum could stick out a little more. I really dig how much the bass stands in front! Vocals rule but I would turn them down a bit and use more de-essing for screaming. I really like the effects you used on this mix, pretty cool ideas! There is something in the OH's I don't like. Where have you set the hp? Guitars are a little thin and fizzy but just a tad!

Give your ears a little rest. I think your absolutely on the right way to make this a really cool sounding mix! Great song too!

Cool tips man! I like the snare sound but i will add some more plate to it. Vocals i will turn down a bit and add some more de-esing, like you said. Can you explain what you mean with the OH's? I high passed them @ 500 Hz. And for the guitars i'm going to check my hp and lp filters again.

there is a lot of stuff that could sound bigger and fuller, the guitars and the drums especially.

Hey, do you have an idea how to make the individual elements sound bigger? I think that the mix is already very dense. So I could imagine that it will be hard to add more fullness (with eq?). But maybe you have some tips for me!?

Other opinions are welcome too. :)
The cymbals sound too "full" if that makes any sense. It sounds like "ssssqqquuuaaaaasshhh" and not "disch" :D But I think this is another storry about taste!

I'm used to pretty thin sounding OH's in metal mixes.
I followed your tips and updated the mix. You can find the new version in my first post.

Any other opinions?

Thanks a lot!