Need some good hip-hop

Pythagoras was the one who discovered the entire idea of the octave, and that simple fraction proportions create the most pleasant sounding notes. He developed the first musical scale, and everything after was just a modification of his scale. So the invention of music theory goes to the Greeks.
What I was stating was coming from the idea of hip hop being folk music in a sense. A foreign country can never properly recreate another countries folk music - no matter how good it sounds.

meh I've heard a lot of cross culture music, and it can sound plenty good. It may not be a 100% a proper recreation of the original sound and feeling, but if it sounds good, it's good music.
Pythagoras was the one who discovered the entire idea of the octave, and that simple fraction proportions create the most pleasant sounding notes. He developed the first musical scale, and everything after was just a modification of his scale. So the invention of music theory goes to the Greeks.

I wouldn't call the twelve tone system "the most pleasant sounding notes" but music and scales have been around long before the Greeks. But yes, the western system does have its origin in Greece, but it is also said Greece got their music from the east as well.
I wouldn't call the twelve tone system "the most pleasant sounding notes" but music and scales have been around long before the Greeks. But yes, the western system does have its origin in Greece, but it is also said Greece got their music from the east as well.

The 12 tone just scale is mathematically the scale with the least amount of dissonance in it. Today we use the 12 tone even-tempered scale, which isn't quite as nice as the just scale, but corrects a lot of issues with the just scale such as notes being out of tune when you play in a different key.

I realize that what sounds good and bad is different for each person, and I myself have built a 15 tone copper xylophone which can make some really awesome sounds not possible with the 12 tone scale, but the 12 tone scale is the most consonant and therefore the the most pleasant sounding in the most basic manner of thinking.

yes there was music before the greeks, and even scales, but the greeks were the first to bring mathematics into the creation of their scale.
I do agree that the 12 tone system is great (plenty of variety, but not so many intervals its hard distinguish each). But I do believe some people do miss out when not going into microtones.

Isn't a lot of what we consider ethnic music cross-culture? I've heard that the Spanish music has a lot of influence from Arabic music (just like the language has Arabic influence).
I didn't say Italians invented music; I was talking about the language of music that we all use today. Most of the great composers came to Italy to study and learn, and the terminology and styles of classical music were predominantly created by Italians. They didn't invent all the modes and scales or anything like that. If we're talking about who invented the first scale or music as a whole, then it could be said that the first caveman making sounds from whatever objects he had lying around invented music. But that would be anal-retentive and just stupid.

There is a lot of Arabic influence in much of southern Europe due to the Ottoman Empire and it's not just in music, but in language and architecture, even genetics as well. Why are many southern Italians so dark-complected? Arabic influence...the same goes with Spain, Portugal, even lower parts of France. On the other side, there are Sicilians who are blonde haired and blue eyed due to the Norman invasion. Europe prides itself on its singularity, yet most of that is just watered down generations before by immigrants and empires. The entire world is a melting pot.
Exactly. I hate using the term "white" because Spanish people are more related to Moroccans than they are to Norwegians. I think its dumb to make groups based on skin color, because that would mean the aboriginal peoples of Australia are in the same group as Africans.

Sadly, a lot of the world tends to lump people into groups based on region or appearance.
Just goona bump this and recommend A Tribe Called Quest as well.
The Low end theory is an incredible album! Just listened to it a few days back...can't believe I've been ignoring them all this while.
An awesome album I keep forgetting is The Fugees - The Score. Choc full of gold.

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Lately, I've been getting into some hip-hop (which I never thought would happen) since I started working in a skateshop. It's pretty much the majority of what the owner plays in there.

Anyway, I'm looking for some good underground stuff. Here's some I already listen to, to give you a taste of what I'm looking for:

Dälek (possibly the most creative and interesting hip-hop duo I've come across.)
Jedi Mind Tricks
The Fat Boys
Dr. Octagon/Kool Keith
Group Home
Jurrasic 5
The Roots (select songs)
Ill Bill
Public Enemy

On a side note: Dalek's "Eyes to Form Shadows" and Dr. Octagon's "Blue Flowers" are some of the coolest hip-hop songs I've ever heard. Really twisted stuff.

try atmosphere. slug is a f*cking good rapper. listen to "god loves ugly" or "scapegoat" par example.
I don't listen to much hip-hop... Well I barely listen to any hip-hop. The only ones I can think of that I like are Girl Talk (which is hip-hop/rock samples mixed together), El-P, & Aesop Rock.
Don't know if they were mentioned yet but:

Celph Titled
Newcleus (hip-hop/electro with an old school sound)

I have more, but can't remember. Those were just on the top of my head.
Rather than starting a new thread, I'll just use this one.

I'm looking for artists who have a lot of epic sounding beats. Violins/synth sounds. It can be instrumental or not.
Well my favorite hip-hop lyricist right now is K-Rino from Houston, TX. If you guys wanna hear some true traditional hip-hop with a cutting-edge blend of lyrics, check him out!!!

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