Need Some Help From You Guys With This Mix

Line Level Recordings

New Metal Member
Jun 29, 2009
i have been mixing this song for over 3 hours now
and i have been doing the slipperman technique to "not getting used to the mix" by turning off the faders for 15 sec. (and maybe turning them back up lol ) which does work.

but im a little paranoid
so, to be on the safe side
can you guys see whats right/wrong with this mix?

thanks :headbang: sample.mp3
What's with the kick being really loud and then really quite? Especially during the 16th note section the first couple hits are loud then it practically disappears.

Guitars are lacking some body. For some reason the guitars also seem to be leaning to the left.

Snare sounds really small and low in the mix.

I'd say there's too much verb on the cymbals.
yea .. i might have to heavily compress the kick..
what do you mean by body ?
like..the low beef of it?
how would i make a snare sound..bigger ?

thank :)
I agree with everything crosstalk said. Why did you compress the kick? Sounds like it's a sample already and the compression may not really be doing anything other than being detrimental.

Also, I think the bass guitars "clickyness" is annoying on a song like this. I'd try to isolate that click sound with EQ and cut it. Compressing the bass with a fast attack might help catch a bit of the click, too.

What are the guitars, sims or real? They sound a tad boxy/phasy but not too bad.
I agree with everything crosstalk said. Why did you compress the kick? Sounds like it's a sample already and the compression may not really be doing anything other than being detrimental.

Also, I think the bass guitars "clickyness" is annoying on a song like this. I'd try to isolate that click sound with EQ and cut it. Compressing the bass with a fast attack might help catch a bit of the click, too.

What are the guitars, sims or real? They sound a tad boxy/phasy but not too bad.

i didnt compress it
its just
the kick track that im triggering is bad

i swear this drummer is scared to play his kit loudly and proudly :\

sooo might have to gate the original track THEN use aptrigga
what would you suggest to get rid of the boxy-ness ?
i know it must have beed poor mic position
but is there anything to treat it with?
You should definitely compress the track before it hits Aptrigga to give Aptrigga a better signal to work with. Do whatever it takes to get a consistent signal. Just because the drummer played the kicks soft doesn't give an excuse for them being inconsistent after triggering.

Just checked with headphones. Guitar is definitely left heavy for some reason. They could possibly use some low mids or lows. Boxiness could be eqed out. Just have to sweep for it.

I'm also picking up on that nasty bass popping. With headphones it is borderline painful at times.

Snare may just need to be brought up in the mix.
aptrigga should be able to trigger the bass drum fine without compression if you r using tracks from a drum module like a dm5. I have been able to take the kick that was recorded direct from a dm5 and use logics drum replacer (similar to aptrigga) very easily, without compression. if you are replacing snare, heavily compress, limit it first. but if you compress too much, it will sometimes see a hit as 2 hits and double trigger.
so the hard first kick hit and then the soft ones after are from the drummers hits? If so, I'd actually reduce the dynamics a bit and use a couple samples from the same kick and stack them in aptrigga or randomize them and make sure the dynamics are flattened out. I guess compression could fix that, though, too. But you could get rid of a lot of that in Aptrigga itself if the track is triggering OK as is right now.


I posted this right as you posted the new mix...New one sounds much better. The snare rolls sound a bit wierd, they seem to get a little lost, like it isn't triggering the greatest, but otherwise sounds much better.
so the hard first kick hit and then the soft ones after are from the drummers hits? If so, I'd actually reduce the dynamics a bit and use a couple samples from the same kick and stack them in aptrigga or randomize them and make sure the dynamics are flattened out. I guess compression could fix that, though, too. But you could get rid of a lot of that in Aptrigga itself if the track is triggering OK as is right now.


I posted this right as you posted the new mix...New one sounds much better. The snare rolls sound a bit wierd, they seem to get a little lost, like it isn't triggering the greatest, but otherwise sounds much better.

thanks so much man
im going to take your advice cause your totally right
how should i effect them then?

I'm a fan of the Bricasti M7 impulses. Just Google and you should not have any trouble finding them, it's the first link. Send the drums to a bus, throw an impulse loader on there and check out some of those impulses and see what you like. I usually use plate reverb on drums.
i really like how the low freqs in the bass r sounding here, it's really low but clear enough, honestly i think the kicks r fucked up sorry... i'd apply some time aligning maybe or... just trigger it all if i can't get the drummer to make it sound right. Guitar tone is kool btw, i think it's yer the right road. (get an ultra clicky kick :p i like that)
for this particular piece anyway, don't know if it gets crazier later, turning that kick into MIDI and hard gridding the hits and sending that to APtrigga instead would be really quick and easy and would result in a perfect kick track. even if he didn't play to a click, this would be easy as fack to tempo map. that's what I would do. if you're sampling everything, might be a good idea to do the whole kit (conver audio to MIDI) and send to superior or something like that, if you have it. let me know if you have further questions on any of that

EDIT: +1 on good job at the EQ work on the guitar/bass, really glues together nicely and the low freqs are super buttery and juicy.