Need some input, My bands new song, my first mix

Guitar is a little to trebley for my taste, it adds a lot of static to the mix I feel. I would try and pan a little better to especially when the lead comes in.

Drums are pretty good, I would lower the overheads a little bit and resample the snare maybe? sounds a little flat to me. Need a little more of boom for this style (which is great by the way)
Guitar is a little to trebley for my taste, it adds a lot of static to the mix I feel. I would try and pan a little better to especially when the lead comes in.

Drums are pretty good, I would lower the overheads a little bit and resample the snare maybe? sounds a little flat to me. Need a little more of boom for this style (which is great by the way)

thanks man, ive dropped a bit off the overheads and added a bit more body to the snare, does sound better i think :)

taken a tad off the treble too :)

When you say pan better? how do you mean?
Ive got both rythm guitars hard left and right, lead is a single track centered
When I mix, I usually have the 2 guitar tacks panned so it's one in one side, and one in the other, but each bleed a little on each side so it doesn't seem completly one sided. And the lead should be centered yeah, but i'd pan it a little to the right? I don't know. I'd love to mix it if you'd like me to show you any ideas i have.
would you like me to export the raw WAV files for everything then upload them somewhere so you can have a go? Im not sure how to export the drums all sepratley, do you want it all sepratley or just the whole set. for the drums.
That'd be awesome. And, yeah each drum file so I can oversample/re level. OR, if you have the midi file for the drums, i'll just load into my EZdrummer/export it there and then resample if needed. And are your guitars mic'd or DI? Either way doesn't matter. If you can just export 'em all, zip 'em up and like upload it to mediafire or something. I'll have a go and show you what I mean. If you'd like of course!
They are DI'd, itll take me a while to upload , because of my slow connection, and i have band practice in an hour. ill get it uploaded asap then post back here tonight