need some insight on a cab to pair with a bugera 6262


New Metal Member
Oct 17, 2009
I'm planning on buying a bugera 6262, and really would like to match it up with a Mesa 4x12 loaded with v30's. Problem is it's just not financially feasable, so I started thinking about a Roadster 2x12 which is far more doable because of the price. But, I can't help but wonder if I can buy an empty cab and load I up my self, and save a few bucks too. If so where, Cus Google is kind of failing me on this.

Any help would he greatly appreciated.
Just did a search for Avatar cabinets, and I think that is the route I'm probably going to go. The 6262 can match impeadance for 4-8-16ohms. What kind of impact will that have on tone?

I'm also considering building my own cab so that I can have compleate control over the specs, and can get the exact tone I want. Plus I can lower the cost considerably. I know most companies use Plywoods, but I would probably use MDF. I'm still up in the air on it, but there seem to be mixed opinions on Prety much everything BUT Mesa cabs. There don't seem to be many objective comparisions out there. Which is what makes me think I would probably be better off building my own cab. I just want to get that tight punch lw end, with out sacrificeing any thing else. I also don't want to end up with shrill highs.
Along these lines, (dont mean to hijack the thread) has anyone found any Mesa OS cabinet drawings for a DIY build ?
Or even the 2x12 ?
I found Some 1x12 Thiele plans which i was considering building but a OS 4x12 would be nicer if im going to all that effort.
I looked around for some dimensions, or plans along those same lines and cam up with nothing. I also came to the conclusion that a DIY cab would cost me almost as much as buying a cab, and if I mess up will cost just as much as buying a Mesa 2x12 Roadster.

So personally I am going to either bite the bullet and spend the money on the mesa, or just get an Avatar. Odds are I will just get the Mesa. I do however appreciate the input as it helped me greatly in my research.
Along these lines, (dont mean to hijack the thread) has anyone found any Mesa OS cabinet drawings for a DIY build ?
Or even the 2x12 ?
I found Some 1x12 Thiele plans which i was considering building but a OS 4x12 would be nicer if im going to all that effort.

Just build it however you want with the same outside dimensions. There really is nothing special about the construction on a Mesa cab, they do it the same way everyone else does.

Just match the outer dimensions, and use the same thickness Baltic Birch, and you will end up with the same internal volume that they have.
To be honest if you're not experienced in cabinet building then it's quite a risk to make your own cab. Construction quality plays a big role in the sound of the cab.

Any of the Marshall/Mesa/Orange/Blackstar/Engl etc cabs with V30's will get you good results. On a budget there's the Harley Benton and the Line 6 Spider Valve cabs.
personally i am plenty proficiant enough to build a cab, the info im most interested in as far as plans go was to exactly replicate the internal bracing design if there is one as this will play a big part in the "construction quality"
It would be a whole lot easier if someone had already gone to the trouble of measuring all the individual pieces for a build.

Heres a good example of a DIY build with attention to detail on the bracing and original construction of a Thiele Cab
There really isn't any special bracing inside, save for the center support which is on virtually all big name 4x12's nowadays so I wouldn't really call it special. You can see what the inside of the cab looks like on the Mesa factory tour vid.
ok cool thanks, i just presumed there would be some huge chambered bracing inside, in a over engineered kinda way.
I guess the DIY build i linked to just gave me that idea.
ok cool thanks, i just presumed there would be some huge chambered bracing inside, in a over engineered kinda way.
I guess the DIY build i linked to just gave me that idea.

At the price of a new one, you would think there would be a lot more to them, but they are no different than a cheap Avatar(not talking about size and volume here, I know that's different between all the cabs)

You pay for the name and the false mojo when it comes down to it.

(flame suit on)
i think the fact that they are made from fairly expensive marine grade birch ply and assembled and finished by hand adds a great deal to the price, so as long as the cheaper ones are well glued/fixed and used void-less dense wood then i think you are not far off the mark really.
At the price of a new one, you would think there would be a lot more to them, but they are no different than a cheap Avatar(not talking about size and volume here, I know that's different between all the cabs)

You pay for the name and the false mojo when it comes down to it.

(flame suit on)

+1 I've got the fire extinguisher aimed and ready bro :flame:

Mesa cabs do sound great, but honestly I'm using a cab at the moment that was built by some company called CGM, that went out of business a few years back. But the cab's build-quality is top notch and the dimensions are a nice compromise between those of the Mesa Standard and the Mesa Traditional. No flexing, honking, or rattling issues. nice and punchy. Damn thing weighs a ton. It looks cheap because it's covered in black carpet, has oversized block corners, and a metal grill. But, honestly, I prefer the sound I get out of this cab to all my others. That includes the original (overhang-style) Mesa OS in the stable.
I agree, as awesome as mesa's are, you are just paying for some one to do the leg work for you, and the leg work is not even that hard.

I still havent bought the 6262 yet. Life keep's interupting, so i have been getting by with TSE's x50 and guitar hacks Fredman style IR's. I have how ever decided to build my own 2x12 cab, based on the mesa Roadster Specs. I just cant bring my self spend that kind of money on a plywood box, with two speakers in it, covered in Vinyl. Ever since I started this thread I have been been thinking about what I want to do. Recently I finally settled on building my own cab. So, I priced out the entire build including tools (Tablesaw, Router, bits, ect.), and I was wrong. I will be able to build two 2x12 cabs for about $600. I live in Orlando Florida , and right now our housing market is crap which meens there are a lot of wood working tools on craigslist. So I'll be able to get a router, and tabelsaw for pretty cheap. Plus I figure if I make a few cabs for other people, the tools will pay for them selves. The down side to living in Orlando though is that trying fo find a used mesa cab for sale locally is damn near impossible.