Need some neutral ears to take a listen to this before sending off the final mixes

Sounds good, but in my opinion it need a bit more body on the overall track, maybe let a little more bass in then it'll sound ace!

What were you listening on ? I was actually considering removing even more bass since the mix is a bit too fat compared to my references.

Also, anyone else, any opinions on this ?
I think the bass drums are too loud. It gives you the perception there is lots of low end but not really. I think that is what the previous person meant by "needs more bass" The bass drums are a bit distracting to the mix to me. You dont really hear the bass guitars or lowend mix freiquincies. you just hear bass drum samples low end. It has the programmed sound right away. It has that sound that almost all numetal metalcore bands have. Its not bad at all for that style. it just has that sound. its pretty good. the bass drums are just distracting to the over all mix. its better than my mixes though.