Need some opinions - Rock music - First Thread


I'm 14.
Feb 11, 2010
Detroit, MI
Well im recording the demo version of my bands E.P, we are going to record it for real (with live drums and live guitar amps) later, but we wanted to do this demo version to map out the songs before we went to record.

I'm looking for more opinions on the music its self, but mix opinions are welcome as well. I mixed and mastered this really fast, and its just a demo version, so I'm not changing anything. But I can always take advice for next time around!

Guitars are Digitech RP500 - 68' Plexi with a TubeScreamer in front.
Bass's are Digitech RP500 - DI - With EQ and Gclip.
Drums are Steven Slate Drums EX - Chunky Rock Kit, no post processing (I know they sound a little dry, but I prefer that my self.)

There is going to be a fade out at the end, its not going to just stop like that. That's why there is like 5 of that closing riff. :loco: :lol:
Drums are very repetitive and boring too, that will change with the real recording.

Let me know what you think! :headbang:

Sorry for all you br00talz lovers out there, im working on my own Meshuggah style song, maybe I'll post that for you later as it progresses. Song 1 MASTER.mp3
I don't think the drums are bad.... I'm thinking perhaps the style of music calls for a more roomy, big sound, but if you say you're gonna be dropping real drums on this... well...

I think guitars are too dark. They could use a bit more bite and cut to make them feel like they're really up-front.
I was thinking the same thing. Do remember this is just a demo tone, but maybe I will brighten them up still.

Does it sound like this is clipping? nothing shows clipping in Reaper but I think I hear some in there...
I don't really hear any significant clipping, but then again, you ARE running an instance of GClip on the bass... maybe that's it.... What's that for, BTW?