Need some people to give critique on our "cd". Please read this thread =)


I am the black monkeys
Aug 2, 2004
Our name is Poesia per Aurem (in English "Audial Poetry") and we have just recorded our first demo called Thoughts in seasons.
We play a mixture of death/black/progressive metal, classical,folk music and progressive rock. However it's hard to describe our sound, as we like to mix and experiment with a lot of different styles of music and will probably do even more of that in the future.
please check us out at
You can afind fairly long samples of our music there along with some other stuff. Check it out, we need some critique! :Spin: )

"Feel free" (really, just do it :p) to write your opinions! :hotjump:

Thanks in forehand.
Here are few thoughts of the demo:

1. Autumn: The first 10 seconds doesn't give very good impression but when the melody starts to get more diverse the song starts to appeal to me. I still consider that the clean vocals create a bit too deep contrast between the intro and the black metal part even though I like the idea of combining melodic and faster straightforward stuff.

I'll have to give you a huge credit from the black metal vocals. They sound really really REALLY good to me. The vocals have been mixed very slickly and professionally. :worship:

I like this song en bloc: the structure is working and the black vocals sound just brilliant.

2. Mind of Winter: I like the atmosphere of this song but the drums sound like a shit in some parts. Have you mixed them in any ways? I can barely hear the drums in some parts… Why not mixing them more to the fore?! And you have to do something to the snare drum. It sounds terrible!

I think this song would be really enjoyable if the drums would work. Mind of Winter is a good song already but as a drummer I consider that it could be even better if you would mix the drums in other way or mix them in general.

Good luck to you guys! Hopefully we gonna hear from you.
Thank you for your opinion!

I play guitar in this band so I was glad that someone answered. The only reason why the drums sound like they do is because our recording equipment was really limited and we only had two mic's. I know the drums sound a little bit crappy and could be a lot better but I was hoping people would like the music anyways. I'm very proud of the music itself and the atmosphere anyways so i'm hoping that we get a record deal soon and can record our music in a REAL studio, and hopefully the drums will sound better then. :p
I'm very very glad to here you are statisfied with the screaming vocals, I was hoping someone would mention it. :Spin:
Thanks a lot for all the response, really helps out to hear (well read) an "objective" opinion on our music. Continue to post in replies people, it really helps (and is also really nice :p)

By the way if you would be so kind as to tell us what you think of our bandname (Poesia Per Aurem = Audial Poetry in english), I would appreciate it =) Thanks / Mikael "guitar + clean vocals" hs
Autumn -

I'm not one to complain about intros but this one went a little too long. Maybe if you gave it its own track on a cd it would be okay. Yeah the drums sounded awful but hey... you record with what you got. The black metal lyrics are very well done. Overall, I liked it. Sorry I cannot give a more indepth review I'm still a newbie learning about music in general.

Mind of Winter -

The synth complimented the guitars very well. The lyrics were slightly less well done but still enjoyable. Same production issues as before. Your mixes worked well for me except I thought that the guitars were a tad thin in parts I was straining to hear them. (I know I just contradicted the other reviewer but thats how I hear it)