Need some serious help on my TONEEE!


I are Joe
Nov 2, 2009
Wales, United Kingdom
It seems whatever I do I cannot get the tone i desire
If i want singing high i get shrill or brittle highs,if i want tight mids i get a loose and flabby bottom.

here is a sample of it with drums (a few mistakes and a bit rough overall)
There is no processing apart from a highpass at 100 hz and a low pass at 10khz tone.mp3

forgot to add: I am by no means a metal man im looking for a fall of troy sorta tone, just really raw but not how it is in this clip, and also i dont tend to processing my guitar lots either i usually add a bit of compression but that's it, could this be stopping me getting the tone i want ?
I just believe that this mix is undone because it doesn't sound large enough. With only a single guitar in the center and some drums, i'd suggest not using any Eq's at all or almost. The drums could benefit from less compression. The cymbals sound quality is completely destroyed. Anyways, I suggest tracking more stuff to add in this mix.
right well this was just a quick little thing to show you, but if the tone benefits from being in a complete mix then i suppose theres nothing really to worry about, unless it still sucks when theres everything else there.