Need some serious help [Technical Death Metal mp3]


Lag Arkane
Jun 11, 2005
The Netherlands
Hello men.........

The past few months i've had a sort of writers block with mixing.
At this moment I seriously can't hear if my mixes sounds professional yes or no.

This is the reason I post this sample of a new band project of mine.

I just want you guys to honestly tell me what you think of this mix.
And of course can give me some tips of you have any after listening!

Here is the link:

Thank you sneapsters for the feedback,

Vocals in the terms of mixed or scream wise?

Im training it daily atm. So any feedback is apreciated
I mean just the general sound of them. They're a bit all over the place, like they're not powerful and steady enough. I'm sure they'll improve with more practice. What kind of sound are you aiming for? I'm not a fan of screamed vocals like these in general though, with a few exceptions (TBDM for instance).
Hey dude!

I don't know yet, just started doing it and people liked it. Got the Zen of Screaming down here so hopefully that will help!
I like different vocalist, also a big fan of TBDM but not what im aiming for. I'm guissing more Fleshgod Apocalypse style vocals (mafia)

Do you have some tips?