Need suggestions (Mix-in-progress)


Apr 5, 2002
Melbourne, Australia
I recently just took home a session we have lying around at the academy and decided to mix it for the hell of it. It's the first mix project I want to do all naturally, without using any drum samples, or taking shortcuts like that, to see what the best possible sound I can get out of a natural session is.

Things to note:
- I didn't track this.
- It sounds like it was done live, because there is spill of EVERYTHING, EVERYWHERE.
- There was only one guitar, recorded through a 57 and 421. So I panned both about 75, and delayed the 421 track by 15ms... created a bit more space in the middle.
- I haven't had time to automate the guitar volume yet, so it gets a bit too loud during some parts.
- The OHs were naturally washy like that... I couldn't help it. I don't own Transient Designer either... and yet again im not sure whether that would help me.
- Kick sounds a bit flat to me. I'll probably take it down in amplitude, but push the high frequency boost a bit higher.
- Yeah, that's some kind of weird hum at the start. Will try to remove later.

Anyway, any suggestions would be welcome. I want to use this mix to push my abilities as far as I possibly can. Cheers dudes.
using samples is a shortcut, mkay :err:

When using someone else's samples (from an album) it's no shortcut, you're using samples specifically tailored for a specific mix/tracking starting point.

If you're doing a demo, and are an amateur they might help add a bit of clarity, more often than not though they will sound out of place.

Using and selecting samples is an integral part of drum mixing imho.

sweeping statements rule :rock: