Need to buy new CONVERTER/INTERFACE - need advise


Dec 2, 2014
Hi Guys

Do you think it is possible to buy professional converter/interface when my budget is only 900 eu?

I need only one or two inputs.. Everything I care about is quality of conveter - mainly for recording Vocals, guitars and bass DI.

I'm considering Audient id22 (very cheap) or Apollo twin.
Any suggeston?

Thank you very much!
i would buy a focusrite one isa for vocals recording and then look for a interface thats good enough for Di Trackinng. Im on pc and have a Roland quad capture and are happy with it. its cheap and does a good job for me. Even the cheap brandname interface have good quality of conveter. U can make a great record on a 100-150 eu interface and another one makes a shit record on a 1000 eu interface. Its not all about the gear.
Dude, for budget like that you really can pick whatever you want. Audient has amazing preamp and DI, can't tell anything about connectivity side since I had to send mine to warranty (and it's there already month).
User interface is grate too.
The RME babyface pro is so awesome I don't have enough good adjectives for it. Great conversion. Insane fidelity and transient response. Full scale voltage on the outputs. Unreal low latency performance.