need to make a good "driving music" CD

I'm really surprised no one has mentioned Queens of the Stone Age's Songs for the Deaf. The whole album has the driving feel as it was intended for it as evident by the radio and car samples. Get it and cruise.

Also, Angel Corpse's The Inexorable and Atmosphere's God Loves Ugly are both good.

Then again, all these are contingent on the area, scenery, etc.
Furious B said:
I'm really surprised no one has mentioned Queens of the Stone Age's Songs for the Deaf. The whole album has the driving feel as it was intended for it as evident by the radio and car samples. Get it and cruise.
omfg i love you.
Doomcifer said:
Ya, any QOTSA is great driving music. I have them dubbed on side A and unida on Side B.
omfg i love you too.

The Smashing Pumpkins - Gish
I am bitch-slapping myself repeatedly for not thinking of this one earlier, it's fucking awesome, definately their most Rock'n'roll album, catchy, lots of solo's, and extremely upbeat.
Find it. Worship it.

was riding in my friends car and he threw on Fear Factory - Archetype. Seemed to suit his driving style pretty good. Meanwhile I clung to the door in fear for my life. :erk:
Malevolent Creation - Night Of the Long Knives, Eve Of the Apocolypse, Coronation of Our Domain, hell anything from the 1st 2 albums or later with Brett Hoffman doing the vocals kills.
Death - Killing Spree off Spiritual Healing
Sepultura - Inner Self, Roots, etc.
Mercenary - Sieze The Night - think i saw this above - just killer riffage