Need tons of help!


Oct 20, 2009
Montréal, Québec
So I'm still pretty new to recording, mixing and such and I'd need some serious help to get a decent recording quality.

As of right now, my setup is:
PreSonus Firebox (24BIT/96k Firewire Interface)
Shure PG57 (Pretty much the same as the SM57 but different style) mic
Cubase LE4
Fruity Loops Studio 8 XXL (Only used for Drums as of right now)
Playing with an ESP M-II through a Peavey XXX 212 Combo with a
Boss ME-50 Pedal
Altec Lansing monitors (Not really good, I know)

When I record, I have to put +12dB on the Mic through my Firebox Control Panel and even then, I can hardly hear my playing.
I always have to boost it and give more dB through Cubase, which I think decreases the sound quality, so then I have to go and mess with the EQs which I hardly know about and figure out a good EQing by ear.

That's my main problem, I can't get a decent volume when I mic, and I don't wanna direct line-in my Firebox because I don't have any good VST plugins and even then, it'd take me quite some time to figure out how they work.

If someone could point me in some directions, or try to help me with my current setup in a way I could obtain decent quality, that'd be grateful!

Here's the only recording I've released with my current setup (The drums were made in GP5, before I had FL Studio so eh, don't pay attention to them):

Thank you!
So I'm still pretty new to recording, mixing and such and I'd need some serious help to get a decent recording quality.

As of right now, my setup is:
PreSonus Firebox (24BIT/96k Firewire Interface)
Shure PG57 (Pretty much the same as the SM57 but different style) mic
Cubase LE4
Fruity Loops Studio 8 XXL (Only used for Drums as of right now)
Playing with an ESP M-II through a Peavey XXX 212 Combo with a
Boss ME-50 Pedal
Altec Lansing monitors (Not really good, I know)

When I record, I have to put +12dB on the Mic through my Firebox Control Panel and even then, I can hardly hear my playing.

The chair to keyboard interface is usually the weakest link, but that one tends to get better with time, so I pointed out the weakest links in your system. Had to google for Antec Lansing, no wonder you can't hear yourself. Got some real nearfield monitors and you might be actually hear yourself. And the reason why you must EQ like a motherfucker is a combination of the Altec and the PG57.

PS: PG57 sounds nothing like SM57, pretty much night and day difference:
The chair to keyboard interface is usually the weakest link, but that one tends to get better with time, so I pointed out the weakest links in your system. Had to google for Antec Lansing, no wonder you can't hear yourself. Got some real nearfield monitors and you might be actually hear yourself. And the reason why you must EQ like a motherfucker is a combination of the Altec and the PG57.

PS: PG57 sounds nothing like SM57, pretty much night and day difference:

Sick, thanks a hell lot, didn't know that.

I had a friend who told me it was pretty much the same (The mics).

However right now my budget is tight so I won't be able to get a new mic or a pair of monitors soon.

Can you throw me some recommendations? Should I got for an SM57? What kind of monitors? Best quality/price ratio would be awesome.

Thanks for the fast answer too!
Sick, thanks a hell lot, didn't know that.

I had a friend who told me it was pretty much the same (The mics).

However right now my budget is tight so I won't be able to get a new mic or a pair of monitors soon.

Can you throw me some recommendations? Should I got for an SM57? What kind of monitors? Best quality/price ratio would be awesome.

Thanks for the fast answer too!

Yeah, I can recommend getting a SM57. I own five myself.


Get the most expensive active ones you can. I can recommend a pair of Behringer Truth 2030A if you are on a tight budget, they are Genelec 1030A copies and cost about $300 a pair. They also just released these 1030A's that are 200$ a pair and look like Genelc 8030A's with yellow cones, but since I have no experiences from them as they are brand new I cannot fully recommend them. I just bought the Genelecs 8030A's myself as my first main monitors (~$1000 a pair) and just didn't bother with the cheap ones as I would have to change them anyway someday. (note: pair) (note: single)