Help getting started


New Metal Member
Jul 7, 2008
So I'm looking to start recording guitar at home. I'm starting from scratch so I could do with a little help!

I am looking at investing in a simple recording solution like the Firebox and using this with whatever software I can get my hands on (Reaper looks good). So how do I go about recording on a DI input? Presumably it goes guitar ----> amp ----> Firebox? I just connect the output from the amp to the DI input on the Firebox?

Things is in my research I've seen people mention that if you connect an amp straight into the recording interface it's gonna fry the amp and my equipment, cos it needs a "load" such a speaker cab. If I don't want to connect to a speaker cab while I record (ie use impulses to emulate whatever cab I choose) do I NEED something like a THD hot plate?

Another thing is my amp is an Orange Tiny Terror. Great amp but it has very few bells n whistles. Just one 16 ohm output and two 8 ohm. Is this gonna be OK?

I'm sorry for the completely inane questions but I'm literally clueless.
The Tiny Terror is a great amp. As long as it sounds good to you, that's fine. You are just starting out, so it's more important to work on the learning process of everything involved with tracking, editing, and mixing. Later, you can add amps to your collection, or record clean DI's and have someone reamp them for you.

As for the Hotplate... Yes, you'll need one. If you want to record a tube amp without micing the cab, you'll need the THD. Otherwise, you'll fry the amp. And it doesn't take long to do it either... sometimes only an hour without a load can kill a tube amp.

BTW, Firebox and Reaper sounds like a great beginner's choice.
do I NEED something like a THD hot plate?

Nope, you don't. I use an SPL Transducer, which is a power attenuator like the Hotplate with an analogue speaker simulation. Sounds amazing, but is quite expensive (1000$).

If you don't want to afford that little buddie, I'd put my money to good use in a decent audio interface with a really good preAmp and A/D (RME Fireface 400) and buy amp simulation software (Revalver MK III - and no, this is no question of taste, it just is the best).

Will take you far and doesn't cost that much - keep in mind, that cheap solutions will not necessarily satisfy you.

My 2 cents
I think that for the price of the Tiny Terror you could get an Engl E530 preamp, which would sound better for metal and would negate the need for a Loadbox of any sort. By all accounts it can power a cab as well, if needed. That would be top of my list for a budget recording setup. Presonus gear is always a good idea for beginners (I've still not had any kind of issue with my Inspire).
Interesting...I like what I've heard of Engl stuff. I think I've seen heard some clips of your preamp actaully while I was browsing and it sounded killer...I've had the Tiny Terror for about a year and it's a great little amp for in the house, it's a keeper for sure, but I do crave something more aggressive, for metal purposes.

I'm gonna look into the Revalver option too. I know from experience the cheap option is not the best! I just bought a Pod X3 which I had for about 2 days before it went on eBay. It sounded way too digital and the rectifier model on it was, to my ears, a joke. That's when I decided to get serious tone proper investment was required...

Appreciate your input, guys!
Interesting...I like what I've heard of Engl stuff. I think I've seen heard some clips of your preamp actaully while I was browsing and it sounded killer...I've had the Tiny Terror for about a year and it's a great little amp for in the house, it's a keeper for sure, but I do crave something more aggressive, for metal purposes.

I'm gonna look into the Revalver option too. I know from experience the cheap option is not the best! I just bought a Pod X3 which I had for about 2 days before it went on eBay. It sounded way too digital and the rectifier model on it was, to my ears, a joke. That's when I decided to get serious tone proper investment was required...

Appreciate your input, guys!

I have just the "demo" version of Revalver MKIII, and it's badass. I will definitely be buying it. You can download the demo for free and use it as a Standalone to check it out.

EDIT: Check out this thread too!